Example sentences of "' [noun sg] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The financial press has devoted much space to the 54% increase in chief executive Greg Hutchings ' remuneration to £995,000 ( v £646,000 ) .
2 Only after a few days ' exposure to New York sunlight did they readjust to local time .
3 On June 1st Pen Kent , a senior official of the Bank of England , urged members of the newly formed Property Bankers Association to consider securitisation and other means of reducing the banks ' exposure to property , in order to create a more liquid market .
4 By helping general practitioners to be more selective in their use of diagnostic radiology the guidelines reduced the rate of referral and thus patients ' exposure to radiation .
5 Our study shows that the guidelines are acceptable to and suitable for use by general practitioners and suggests that they can substantially reduce referral levels and reduce patients ' exposure to radiation .
6 Two families who blame their children 's blood cancers on their fathers ' exposure to radiation at the Sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant have launched a test case against British Nuclear Fuels Limited ( BNFL ) .
7 The Webbs explain that their original definition , relating the trade unions ' function to conditions of employment , implied that trade unions had always contemplated a perpetual continuance of the capitalist or wage system , whereas they had at various dates during the past century at any rate frequently had aspirations towards a revolutionary change in social and economic conditions .
8 Nicotine addicts ' stairway to heaven
9 The Nursing Agencies Forum at the RCN is evidence of the agencies ' rise to respectability , and it is no longer the case that ‘ those who can , do ; those who ca n't , work for agencies ’ .
10 It maintained the opening note of disappointment throughout a confusing account of the Ceausescus ' rise to power and their fatal misjudgment which led to the people entering that famously well-wardrobed bedroom .
11 During the seventies this form of finance became comparatively more attractive as it offered variable rates of interest ( which are tax deductible ) and the short nature of these loans was mitigated by the banks ' willingness to roll-over these loans on request .
12 Mr Sedgemore was later allowed into the hotel to put the protesters ' case to Mr Maxwell , and the MP said afterwards that the millionaire publisher — who he described as a distinguished socialist — had insisted that he would under no circumstances take back his former employees .
13 Our study has collected data from 10 first wave fundholding practices and seven non-fundholding practices to measure their use of hospital care ( inpatient and outpatient ) , the speed and nature of the hospitals ' response to requests from the practices , prescribing patterns and costs , and any innovations or changes introduced in practice based facilities , as well as monitoring the views and experience of general practitioners , hospital consultants , and patients .
14 They should cover in particular the pupils ' response to literature , and their competence in using information and reference materials , and should meet the general criteria described above .
15 The German government , forced to cover currency losses on Deutsche Aerospace 's work for Airbus , the pan-European aircraft consortium of which it is a member , is reluctant to put up yet more taxpayers ' money to back Mr Schrempp 's ambitious and controversial scheme to build a 130-seat regional airliner outside the Airbus consortium .
16 In the context of schooling one significant issue that is paradoxically neglected is the ‘ rationality ’ of the working-class students ' resistance to antiracist curricula and classroom discussions in so far as this resistance is bound up with a more generalized opposition to the degrees of surveillance , discipline , authoritarianism and class domination involved in conventional forms of schooling .
17 We investigated the predictors of 2-year mortality after patients ' admission to hospital for community-acquired pneumonia , and focused on the predictive value of age .
18 It may be a sign of the times , but Craig Innes ' switch to rugby league in Britain did not draw much newspaper comment in New Zealand .
19 The Western powers ' recourse to warships yielded mixed results .
20 All of the references given above come from what is called the Priestly strand ( ‘ P ’ ) and as such they are to be dated to around the time of the Jews ' exile to Babylon in the sixth century BC — that is , according to the still widely accepted dating of this biblical strand within the source-critical school of thought ( though it must also be said that my own arguments as developed in this essay and elsewhere independently point to the exile as the time when these blood concerns and rituals would first have emerged ) .
21 The headhunters ' fees are large because of the very real difficulty of attracting key people and because bringing in these outstanding people can add millions of pounds ' revenue to client organisations , which makes the headhunter 's fee appear small in comparison with the overall potential gains .
22 The news means ACE has now effectively lost two of its main founder members — if MIPS ' submission to Silicon Graphics Inc is n't counted — and at best can count only on the flirtatious attention of Digital Equipment Corp and Microsoft Corp , who are conducting their own extra-marital affair .
23 The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 introduced new principles and procedures for the management of the rural environment embodying the preferred solutions of the National Farmers ' Union and the Country Landowners ' Association to conflicts between agriculture and conservation .
24 Thus , conflict reflects workers ' coming to terms with the rational procedures of employment , and learning to fight back using employers ' own categories of time and money .
25 So many books , to pick up a point once made by Malcolm Bradbury , are published primarily to be stored , moving smoothly from publishers ' warehouse to library stacks without arousing much disturbance on the way , and are discussed , if at all , only in scholarly journals .
26 Nonetheless the Conservatives ' opposition to Beveridge disillusioned many people who felt they could not be trusted to implement the report , regardless of any promises they might make .
27 Mr. Collins ' reference to section 64(4) ( b ) of the Act of 1986 , Mr. Beloff submits , is based upon a misreading of that provision .
28 Mike Myers ' follow-up to Wayne 's World stars the Saturday Night Live man as a coffee house hipster .
29 Professor Sean Freyne of Trinity College , a former Roman catholic priest , published an article in the Irish Times favouring the constitutional amendment , and suggesting that the Irish bishops ' attitude to marriage , despite some signs to the contrary , was eminently legal and contractual in orientation ( Irish Times , 5 June 1986 ) .
30 Although the courts ' attitude to reports leading to legislation has varied , until recently there was no modern case in which the court had looked at parliamentary debates as an aid to construction .
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