Example sentences of "' [noun] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On June 1st Pen Kent , a senior official of the Bank of England , urged members of the newly formed Property Bankers Association to consider securitisation and other means of reducing the banks ' exposure to property , in order to create a more liquid market .
2 By helping general practitioners to be more selective in their use of diagnostic radiology the guidelines reduced the rate of referral and thus patients ' exposure to radiation .
3 Our study shows that the guidelines are acceptable to and suitable for use by general practitioners and suggests that they can substantially reduce referral levels and reduce patients ' exposure to radiation .
4 Two families who blame their children 's blood cancers on their fathers ' exposure to radiation at the Sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant have launched a test case against British Nuclear Fuels Limited ( BNFL ) .
5 Rain had lashed the bare rocks , turned the narrow gully beneath the horses ' hooves to mud , stripped the spare trees of their flimsy leaves .
6 Whichever category of function is involved , the direct transmission of capitalists ' preferences to state officials is unimportant .
7 Nicotine addicts ' stairway to heaven
8 It is crucial that teachers ' attitudes to poetry communicate enthusiasm for it .
9 The third approach , ‘ police-community attitudinal change ’ , attempted to change officers ' attitudes to minority groups via a series of lectures , encounter groups and sensitivity training .
10 Based on extensive research , it concluded that parents ' attitudes to education were of supreme importance in influencing children 's educational success — more so than the parents ' educational or occupational status , than material circumstances at home , and than schools themselves .
11 To improve employees ' attitudes to relocation , employers need to consider the following :
12 Employees ' attitudes to relocation may well improve once they have learned what expenses they are entitled to under such policies .
13 A small number of schools mentioned that as part of their monitoring procedures , pupils were asked to evaluate social education programmes and one secondary school referred to a survey of pupils ' attitudes to health education .
14 Prof Catford said two studies had been undertaken of family doctors ' attitudes to health promotion and their own health .
15 The Nursing Agencies Forum at the RCN is evidence of the agencies ' rise to respectability , and it is no longer the case that ‘ those who can , do ; those who ca n't , work for agencies ’ .
16 It maintained the opening note of disappointment throughout a confusing account of the Ceausescus ' rise to power and their fatal misjudgment which led to the people entering that famously well-wardrobed bedroom .
17 During the seventies this form of finance became comparatively more attractive as it offered variable rates of interest ( which are tax deductible ) and the short nature of these loans was mitigated by the banks ' willingness to roll-over these loans on request .
18 They should cover in particular the pupils ' response to literature , and their competence in using information and reference materials , and should meet the general criteria described above .
19 The German government , forced to cover currency losses on Deutsche Aerospace 's work for Airbus , the pan-European aircraft consortium of which it is a member , is reluctant to put up yet more taxpayers ' money to back Mr Schrempp 's ambitious and controversial scheme to build a 130-seat regional airliner outside the Airbus consortium .
20 In the context of schooling one significant issue that is paradoxically neglected is the ‘ rationality ’ of the working-class students ' resistance to antiracist curricula and classroom discussions in so far as this resistance is bound up with a more generalized opposition to the degrees of surveillance , discipline , authoritarianism and class domination involved in conventional forms of schooling .
21 We investigated the predictors of 2-year mortality after patients ' admission to hospital for community-acquired pneumonia , and focused on the predictive value of age .
22 It may be a sign of the times , but Craig Innes ' switch to rugby league in Britain did not draw much newspaper comment in New Zealand .
23 The headhunters ' fees are large because of the very real difficulty of attracting key people and because bringing in these outstanding people can add millions of pounds ' revenue to client organisations , which makes the headhunter 's fee appear small in comparison with the overall potential gains .
24 The news means ACE has now effectively lost two of its main founder members — if MIPS ' submission to Silicon Graphics Inc is n't counted — and at best can count only on the flirtatious attention of Digital Equipment Corp and Microsoft Corp , who are conducting their own extra-marital affair .
25 It is proposed to link respondents ' addresses to census enumeration districts representing their residential locality .
26 THE heat is on as cub reporters throughout the North-East put the finishing touches to their schools ' entries to School Scoop .
27 If teachers ' allegiances to transmission pedagogies are to be loosened , then ways of encouraging their collaboration with colleagues must be found , along with the resources to do this .
28 So many books , to pick up a point once made by Malcolm Bradbury , are published primarily to be stored , moving smoothly from publishers ' warehouse to library stacks without arousing much disturbance on the way , and are discussed , if at all , only in scholarly journals .
29 The ‘ talking like a lady ’ explanation is a mirror-image of Peter Trudgill 's suggestion — which is based once again on his Norwich informants ' responses to self-evaluation questions — that men give ‘ covert prestige ’ to working-class nonstandard speech , associating its roughness with masculinity .
30 Mr. Collins ' reference to section 64(4) ( b ) of the Act of 1986 , Mr. Beloff submits , is based upon a misreading of that provision .
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