Example sentences of "' [noun] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The financial press has devoted much space to the 54% increase in chief executive Greg Hutchings ' remuneration to £995,000 ( v £646,000 ) .
2 A report in the Washington Post of April 10 said that the plan presented by Solomon outlined four distinct phases : ( i ) at the time of the signing of an international agreement on Cambodia the USA and Vietnam would enter into normalization discussions ; the USA would also officially approve visits by US business and veterans ' groups to Vietnam ; ( ii ) with the establishment of a US transitional presence in Cambodia , the US would partially lift its trade embargo against Vietnam and Cambodia ; the second phase would also require increased accounting for US MIAs ; ( iii ) the third phase would begin after the UN process in Cambodia had lasted at least six months and would include the establishment of US and Vietnamese diplomatic offices in Hanoi and Washington respectively , a full lifting of the US trade embargo against Vietnam and an easing of US opposition to international bank lending to Vietnam ; the third phase would also involve further substantial progress in accounting for US MIAs ; ( iv ) the final phase would follow UN-supervised elections in Cambodia and would include full normalization of US diplomatic and economic relations with Vietnam and Cambodia as well as support for international bank lending .
3 Only after a few days ' exposure to New York sunlight did they readjust to local time .
4 On June 1st Pen Kent , a senior official of the Bank of England , urged members of the newly formed Property Bankers Association to consider securitisation and other means of reducing the banks ' exposure to property , in order to create a more liquid market .
5 By helping general practitioners to be more selective in their use of diagnostic radiology the guidelines reduced the rate of referral and thus patients ' exposure to radiation .
6 Our study shows that the guidelines are acceptable to and suitable for use by general practitioners and suggests that they can substantially reduce referral levels and reduce patients ' exposure to radiation .
7 Two families who blame their children 's blood cancers on their fathers ' exposure to radiation at the Sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant have launched a test case against British Nuclear Fuels Limited ( BNFL ) .
8 Rain had lashed the bare rocks , turned the narrow gully beneath the horses ' hooves to mud , stripped the spare trees of their flimsy leaves .
9 Whichever category of function is involved , the direct transmission of capitalists ' preferences to state officials is unimportant .
10 The Webbs explain that their original definition , relating the trade unions ' function to conditions of employment , implied that trade unions had always contemplated a perpetual continuance of the capitalist or wage system , whereas they had at various dates during the past century at any rate frequently had aspirations towards a revolutionary change in social and economic conditions .
11 Nicotine addicts ' stairway to heaven
12 Spear also found in a study of teachers ' attitudes to girls and technology that the most sex-differentiated replies came from science teachers ( Spear in this volume ) .
13 It is crucial that teachers ' attitudes to poetry communicate enthusiasm for it .
14 The third approach , ‘ police-community attitudinal change ’ , attempted to change officers ' attitudes to minority groups via a series of lectures , encounter groups and sensitivity training .
15 Some industrial consumers regretted that the Boards ' attitudes to tariffs were much more rigid than that of their predecessors ( who had been more willing to negotiate special rates ) .
16 Based on extensive research , it concluded that parents ' attitudes to education were of supreme importance in influencing children 's educational success — more so than the parents ' educational or occupational status , than material circumstances at home , and than schools themselves .
17 To improve employees ' attitudes to relocation , employers need to consider the following :
18 Employees ' attitudes to relocation may well improve once they have learned what expenses they are entitled to under such policies .
19 A small number of schools mentioned that as part of their monitoring procedures , pupils were asked to evaluate social education programmes and one secondary school referred to a survey of pupils ' attitudes to health education .
20 Prof Catford said two studies had been undertaken of family doctors ' attitudes to health promotion and their own health .
21 Computer education activities and pupils ' attitudes to computers
22 It has been observed that pupils ' attitudes to computers are significantly influenced by use of a home-computer and experience of computer assisted learning ( CAL ) at school .
23 Pupils ' attitudes to computers will be assessed by a questionnaire developed by the researcher ; perception of the classroom environment will be assessed by means of ten scales used in other classroom research studies .
24 Greta Burkill did not confine herself to looking after his education , but fought for him to spend a summer with his parents in Venezuela — a country not keen to grant visitors ' visas to Jews at that time .
25 It would have been interesting to see the teachers ' reactions to questions about profits from burglary or tax evasion rather than investment .
26 Far from disregarding them , however , such comments need to be ‘ heard ’ , since our personal experiences can affect our reactions to others in general and teachers ' reactions to pupils and the demands they make on them .
27 Also omitted are assessments or even mention of the studies of cultural evolution made since Richard Dawkins 's discussion of the memo , the scathing attacks by Richard Lewontin of the scientific method used in sociobiology , and of social scientists ' reactions to Wilson 's claims .
28 The Nursing Agencies Forum at the RCN is evidence of the agencies ' rise to respectability , and it is no longer the case that ‘ those who can , do ; those who ca n't , work for agencies ’ .
29 It maintained the opening note of disappointment throughout a confusing account of the Ceausescus ' rise to power and their fatal misjudgment which led to the people entering that famously well-wardrobed bedroom .
30 During the seventies this form of finance became comparatively more attractive as it offered variable rates of interest ( which are tax deductible ) and the short nature of these loans was mitigated by the banks ' willingness to roll-over these loans on request .
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