Example sentences of "different [noun] so [conj] " in BNC.

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1 She began to take a different route so that she approached her home from the other end of Magdalen Street and avoided a meeting with John .
2 This will result in the balls from either hand having a different trajectory so that they will not ‘ kiss ’ in the air .
3 Now again I mentioned this last week , the idea of introducing schoolchildren at a very young age to different countries and different cultures so that in fact when they come to go on holiday on their own or with a partner it holds no fear for them unlike , if you like , senior citizens might do .
4 Collecting data in different forms so that results can be collated and compared can be done in several ways and can form the basis of much useful discussion .
5 The familiar adage is that ethnographic research provides depth by sacrificing breadth but , as Finch ( 1986 ) argues , it is possible to build an element of generality into this type of research not by random sampling , which is usual in quantitative research , but by constructing individual projects in the mould of similar ones in different settings so that comparisons can be made and a body of cumulative knowledge established .
6 Erm so I mean I think , you know , it might be useful , well , in some ways it would be very useful for you to have erm two sort of six month stints in rather different environments so that then you 'd sort of keep your options open a bit .
7 Saturday might begin by dividing the participants into small groups of three or four , each composed of people from different communities so that everybody will be encouraged to work together as a team rather than rely on ‘ traditional ’ dominant group-leaders .
8 Each room was wired on a different circuit so that the lights in it could be switched on and off at will .
9 She stopped to look at the two houses , Brier and Rose , like identical twins wearing slightly different clothing so that one could tell them apart .
10 erm the roads are really not , not made to cope and so we have to try to get people coming in from different areas and different directions so that we do n't get everybody on one road and nobody on another .
11 Different roads are marked in different colours so that motorists know how big each road is .
12 Because at the moment we have different costing forms on different colours so as to know , to differentiate between post or telephone , face-to-face and so on .
13 to reconcile and integrate the differing views of organisational objectives that are held by different individuals so that a total company objective may be recognised ( Argyris ) ; and
14 Instead of showing the impact of a single additional project , the accounting figures might need analysis over different SBUs so that the impact of variations in their rates of strategic development could be explored .
15 In other words , different pupils will follow different curricula so that what they learn is ‘ appropriate to their individual levels of ability ’ .
16 They wanted to do lots of different ads so that they can vary them and the public wo n't get bored . ’
17 Hincmar had already observed that " because the realm consists of many regions " , court officials should be selected from different regions so that provincials with problems would feel confident of a hearing at the palace .
18 The marketer must understand why people want or need products , so that he or she can : * group ( or " segment " ) different people according to those reasons for purchase ( see chapter sixteen ) ; * design and distribute products which will deliver the required " satisfactions " for these needs or wants ; * target promotional activities on these different people so that they become aware of the satisfactions on offer from the supplier , and are encouraged to make the actual purchase .
19 The reader may think that the result is already known , but all too often different populations behave in different ways so that although there may be an expected result to an investigation it will not be a foregone conclusion .
20 Over the last decade , benefits for the unemployed have been cut in some 50 different ways so that the living standards of those out of work have fallen even further behind those of other citizens . ’
21 We move them around deliberately , to gain experience and to put them in a different environment so that they come forward with fresh ideas . ’
22 The schoolfellows had been appointed to the Racer together through the efforts of a family friend of the Rogerses , and they serve together for much of their time at sea , occasionally allotted to different ships so as to give the author freedom to range more widely in space and circumstance .
23 She took a quick break for lunch , gulping down a couple of sandwiches and a cup of coffee , then spent the afternoon painting the dragon , using dozens of different shades so that he shimmered with colour .
24 Such joints can only move in one plane , but crustaceans deal with that limitation by grouping two or three on a limb , sometimes close together , each working in a different plane so that the end of the limb can move in a complete circle .
25 In France the same ingredients of spectacle , song , dance , and instrumental music were likewise compounded under the influence of a humanist ‘ academy ’ , Bälf 's , but in different proportions so that the result was not opera but ballet de cour .
26 Logistically it presents plenty of challenges : for instance trying to arrange cataloguing in many different fields so that entries present a certain conformity ; giving a certain ‘ look ’ and ‘ feel ’ to the sales , is also difficult .
27 There is a recognition that export goods outside the Community may be made to different standards so that , by virtue of s10(4) , this will provide a defence .
28 In 1978 Allan concluded her survey of such research by writing : As a result different research came up with different findings so that the policy maker and practitioner ended up with long lists of poorly defined and sometimes contradictory characteristics .
29 A tidal acceleration is the difference between gravitational acceleration at different locations so that the corresponding parameters in curved space–time are the second derivatives of the metric connections .
30 For an installation to be secure against fire , flood and other disasters it is essential for the primary and secondary items to be stored in different locations so that the chances of their simultaneous destruction are minimised .
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