Example sentences of "point [is] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The essential point is that responsibility is assigned and , therefore , authority is delegated for which the individual is accountable in his role .
2 The point is that Sun 's kind of sugar daddy is neither uncommon , illegal or even fattening .
3 Reference to that point is that management or mismanagement . .
4 But the point is that lung cancer is immediately connected with smoking , in everybody 's mind .
5 The important point is that stamp duty is payable not on the net position ( ie debtors less creditors ) but on the value of debtors plus the value of liabilities .
6 However the real point is that Tolkien was trying continually to extend the frontiers of style beyond the barbed wire of modern opinion .
7 The point is that hunting , whether performed by humans , animals , or superhuman beings , is not an activity associated by the Chewong with any aroused inner state .
8 If one person is prevented getting AIDS by this officer , we 've paid for that person for two years , and I think practically every one of these posts that Queenie takes great offence at is producing a useful end product , and the other point is that Government legislation year after year after year puts more responsibilities on the City Council , the new Environmental Protection Act is a good example .
9 GORDON Rushton , the Ffestiniog Railway 's General Manager , said : ‘ The first point is that FR is simply following the terms of the High Court judgement and the second point is that Gwynedd County Council 's application to take over the lease was rejected by the court .
10 The essential point is that identification of the goods is that with which the section is concerned . "
11 The point is that preference rules give a justification for choosing any well-formed grouping structure which the circumstances of the text seem to warrant ; they provide a guide to weighing up the various claims of syntax , informational focus , prosodic shape and so on .
12 The point is that manufacturing really began on greenfield sites without the benefit of central planning .
13 The second point is that factory women were well versed in appraising the advantages and disadvantages of additional family members .
14 ‘ In any case , ’ said Milton , ‘ the point is that Fagg was obviously never a nice person .
15 The poetic name has been replaced by terms such as " chaotic complex " and the pseudo-scientific " Olistostromes " without really adding to our knowledge , but the essential point is that submarine landslipping is now thought to be only part of the process rather than the whole .
16 The crucial point is that company 2 will be ‘ bullish ’ about the increasing margins .
17 The crucial point is that spelling errors are not simply mistakes : they are miscues , with reasons for each miscue .
18 But the broader point is that history , if not open to re-writing , is certainly open to critical re-examination .
19 This is very astute criticism of Yeats : but more to the point is that Pound here confesses self-doubts such as he would have concealed from anyone he did not trust absolutely .
20 The point is that violence is a necessary part of human interaction with the non-human world , but absolutely illegitimate within it .
21 The important point is that melatonin might be a link between the environment and body clock in ourselves also and its release might promote inactivity or tiredness .
22 A general point is that punishment is inflicted by the state for breaches of the law .
23 The point is that structuralism is compatible with passive science .
24 no , because the point is that Labour has not changed it 's course , which is recognizing that at the heart of it 's policies we have to show that we know the world has changed , and we 've got a message to women , which is that we know that you are essential in your role in the family , but we know you 're also essential in the economy ,
25 The point is that religion and ethnicity are not identical ; but religion is a culturally accepted marker of ethnicity , and the terms ‘ Protestant ’ and ‘ Catholic ’ in Northern Ireland refer to ethnicity rather than religion .
26 The essential point is that sexuality as such disturbed him — even in his early letters to Conrad Aiken we see his sexual impulses towards women engaged in an unequal struggle with his own need for self-possession ( or self-preservation ) and control .
27 The point is that perception of discourse type is a factor in discourse processing and production which brings together our perception of sender/receiver , topic , function — and other factors besides .
28 A further point is that salt piercements have the capacity to dissipate heat more quickly than other rock formations .
29 One point , just to add to what Liz is saying , and I support everything she 's said , one further point is that accuracy is terribly important because if you actually have a mistake in the press release , and the editors publish it or it 's broadcast and a whole lot of listeners or readers write in and complain , they 'll find it very hard to forgive you because they get themselves in a terrible problem , so do be sure you 're giving them accurate information all the time .
30 The main point is that prose varies a great deal in the amount of aesthetic interest which attaches to linguistic form .
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