Example sentences of "keep on the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 What you see is what you get at Caister : there are few blind shots unless you wander , but keeping on the straight and narrow is a challenge in the constant breeze .
2 I dare say a good many rabbits would have kept quiet and thought about keeping on the right side of the Chief , but I 'm afraid I 'm not much good at that .
3 D : yes you can cycle all — you can ride right along the edge you know + without falling in you can ride right along the edge eh without em + going — keeping on the main road + that should be great actually + you could do that +
4 John Hayward , with whom he wed to live , is keeping on the old flat , and Eliot has paid up the rent for another two years .
5 That is how Captain James T Kirk of the USS Enterprise first sees each week 's new adversary ; it is by flat-panel TV that Winston Smith keeps on the right side of Big Brother .
6 Michael Doohan keeps on the right side of the law , though few cops would dare book the nation 's new two-wheel hero
7 To travel is to be continually surprised , to keep on the visual qui vive .
8 Although just what she had done with all her unencumbered time since he 'd moved the rest of them to Almsmead , other than take an excessive interest in the mill-school he 'd had to build to keep on the right side of that damned , interfering Factory Act , he was uncertain .
9 Her husband , looking hard at his glass , said : ‘ You ought to keep on the right side of her , any road .
10 But those wanting to keep on the right side of the law will have to steer clear of the grape .
11 Keep on the upper path , and cross the fields to a gate to join the Saint 's Way .
12 Also for the audio tour and generally for making sure that everything is kept on an even keel historically and that people keep on the right lines .
13 Keep on the decorative trail to Haliden at 98 Walcot Street , where Brian Dennis sells rugs on three floors .
14 Yeah but then he 'll , we should be able to manage then to pay the mortgage and pay them and keep on the level peg .
15 The car crossed the shallow racing river in Boyle , passed the grey walls of the roofless monastery , and it kept on the main road leading across the Curlews .
16 A Doomsday watch had been kept on the great slab of rock — nearly the size of a football pitch — ever since workers discovered a fault in the face of the mountainside above the N-2 highway in February .
17 One or two need to be kept on the cool side , otherwise they grow too fast and weaken themselves so badly that they die .
18 However , a watchful eye needs to be kept on the New Age phenomena .
19 This will go to be tissue typed and the results will be kept on the confidential register .
20 Careful watch was kept on the overall dimensions of each piece to ensure a fit when the charts were finally assembled .
21 It was so pitifully easy for the customers : the temptation so hard to resist , to pick up a bar or two of chocolate from the counter , a packet of tea from the shelf , even a bag of flour , as my aunt came from behind the counter , passed through to the kitchen , down the steps into the old still-room to draw vinegar from the cask , or paraffin from the tank ( its pump rattling up-down , up-down ) , or across the yard for corn or toppings , or up the back stairs for some item kept on the little landing ; so that the shop began to make small profit or none at all .
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