Example sentences of "keep going [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Do n't keep going on about it .
2 ‘ He keeps going on about ‘ grey cells ’ . ’
3 ‘ He keeps going on about the murder . ’
4 Oh , dad keeps going on about it , I 'll say that !
5 Everyone keeps going on about the Animal Farm
6 Everyone else keeps going on about it , and all like , oh , I ca n't go home , cos there 's not enough
7 I went , is this this well hard bloke from Brixton , cos Ryan keeps going on about it , like we I said , is he do , I said , oh , we went to Oxford Street today , and he went , is that anywhere near Brixton ?
8 I do n't thing anybody will be if he keeps going on like that .
9 but he keeps going up to the gnomes and saying hello is that no he come home the other night and the , we , no the other day Sam he tipped all the bloody soil out of the earth and done something else , he said he 's a naughty boy and she 's said to Sam he wants a smacking he said I 'm not smacking him
10 He 's learning to row a coracle but he keeps going round in circles , it must be tiresome for him when he 's used to going in straight lines .
11 He 's also begun to more fully explore the reasons he keeps going back to the mountains despite the terrible cost they have inflicted .
12 I always thought I was the philandering type , but my mind keeps going back to her .
13 It 's a circular route all the time , it keeps going back to the town centre
14 He keeps going off into cloud cuckoo land !
15 without having to keep going up to school , cos if you say to them oh well I 'm coming to see , oh what you coming for ?
16 Williams would always like talking about Orton , although he would publicly protest for years that it was so boring to keep going on about his relationship with the writer .
17 Do you know as you come in to Salisbury and you have to keep going on with the traffic , then it leads up to the bridge where the wa , where the river is .
18 But that poor customer , John — I am sorry to keep going back to you on it , I 'm just seeking clarification — that poor customer has got to prove to your satisfaction that it 's a mechanical breakdown and not a result of what they 've done to it or somebody 's , at any time , negligence in assembly .
19 If you can not find such a deed , you have to keep going back in time until one is located .
20 The start of the second half promised an exciting come back after Whelan scored , but it was n't to be : Leeds ' play became increasingly frenetic and desperate , and Sunderland players kept going over like someone in the crowd was working them over with a machine gun .
21 The trite , emotive phrases kept going round in her head like a music-hall ditty .
22 The same refrain kept going round in his head like an infuriating jingle which refuses to be forgotten : the drawing-room at Buller 's Hill House , the kitchen at Jordan 's Farm , the sitting-room in the house on stilts and Laura Passmore 's living-room .
23 On the Friday Lorenzo Mendoza lost his temper with a pony that kept going up with him .
24 Shrimp kept going up for some water , trod on Andrew .
25 No , cos one of them kept going up to London for the we week and then went back home at the weekends and he had this lovely house !
26 ‘ She kept going on about the fox and coughing . ’
27 He kept going on about being aligned and interfacing .
28 Bez got all upset and started muttering and picking at his scabs and Shaun Ryder kept going on about how it was Bez did n't like to see men cows doing it and he was n't going to apologies for it .
29 She kept going on about ‘ confidential sources ’ .
30 Because you were the one who kept going on about the need to keep it secret .
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