Example sentences of "while [prep] the other " in BNC.

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1 The fingers of one hand tugged and pulled , ineffectually , at the dark hair , while with the other hand she held him , her breast thrust against him , feeling the strength of her longing sap the power from her limbs .
2 Business men find it especially odd that the Labour party intends to introduce a minimum wage with one hand while with the other hand it would remove our tax cuts for the lowest paid .
3 In one direction only a little earthy bank separates me from the edge of the ocean , while in the other the valley goes back for miles and miles .
4 In one direction the carriage will knit , while in the other the needles will make the tucking movement .
5 In each case , Tab and Dez remain constant ( though secondary Tabs may change ) and the movement is simple ; but in the one case the movement produces no additional spatial information while in the other the spatial information changes at the end of the sign .
6 In the section on special needs the report notes that in 45 per cent of schools pupils are withdrawn for group lessons concentrating on basic language and numeracy , while in the other 55 per cent of schools special needs teachers work alongside the subject teachers in the normal classroom setting .
7 In one case , it was said that ‘ it was the 15-year-old girl who was the dominant partner in the relationship ’ with a 28-year-old woman separated from her husband , while in the other case ‘ a pretty 15-year-old schoolgirl skipped lessons to have a lesbian love affair ’ ; however the defence counsel said that her mother had told police she thought there was nothing wrong with a lesbian relationship and ‘ if it had not been for the age of the young lady , none of us would be here today ’ .
8 She was holding a net curtain to one side with the gold-ringed fingers of one hand , while in the other hand she held to her mouth a long white ebony cigarette holder on which she drew constantly as she watched the visitor enter her neighbour 's house .
9 Firstly , the arm spines are long , up to 2 segments long while in the other species they tend to equal only one arm segment and secondly the skin of the disk is not thickened obscuring the plates beneath , although this may be an artefact due to the dried condition of the holotype there is usually some indication of a skin covering even in dried specimens .
10 In Ata'i one might note the careers of six scholars as exceptions , in three of which the subjects changed careers under rather special circumstances , while in the other three Ata'i merely notes the change without comment .
11 In one group , the stomachs were immediately excised , while in the other group the stomachs were perfused with saline for 180 minutes after the perfusion of ethanol , and unless stated , before they were processed for assessment of injury .
12 I could not finish them until after Dana had left for the States , when I would sit day after day beside my desk , trying to write , while on the other side of Avondale Buildings the children screamed and shrieked in the playground .
13 But , indeed , the whole general effect is to divorce Resident Tutors from the WEA ; the Resident Tutor would be excluded from urban areas , while on the other hand the WEA would be to say the least of it extremely circumscribed in rural areas .
14 The lights of Alcatraz stood out like a ship in the bay , while on the other side shone the twinkling lights of Berkeley .
15 While on the other hand , it attacked the idea that ‘ the irregular , half-informed , capricious voice of popular favouritism ’ should have any say in the outcome of the competition .
16 The local structure is governed by chemical forces , while on the other hand the long-range order reflects the way structural units on the local scale pack together to form a three-dimensional solid .
17 On one side of the membrane is a solution of ascorbic acid ( a reducing agent ) while on the other side is a ferric chloride solution , which is an oxidising agent .
18 Four out of five graffiti in male lavatories had a sexual theme , while on the other side of the wall only one in four of those created by women dealt with overt sexual subjects ; love and romance seemed to be their principal occupation .
19 ‘ On the one hand , it was supposed to be BCCI 's auditor , while on the other hand , it was earning huge fees from other parts of BCCI as management consultants . ’
20 A striking example of their dissociation is provided by the following exchange : on the one hand , Runciman takes it for granted that methodological individualism is ‘ now generally conceded to be almost trivially true ’ , while on the other Torrance asserts that ‘ In so far as methodological individualism is true it is trivial and irrelevant to sociology , while in so far as it is used to curb or dictate explanatory methods it is either incoherent or false ’ .
21 With one hand people are placing children while on the other hand they are still encouraging the natural parents to think there 's some chance of having them back !
22 Thus on the one hand the liberal , free economy strategy is evidenced in the non-censorship of all but the most extreme pornography and the encouragement of commercial values in broadcasting , which is likely to mean decreased control over pornographic images , while on the other the strong state strategy is evidenced by that hard core pornography is not open to direct viewing by the public and by the appointment of censorious watchdogs over the BBC .
23 On the one hand , the Daily Mirror story had the important ingredient of television stars and the alleged exploitation of children in their front-page exclusive story , headlined Stars in Child Porn Probe , while on the other hand , more routinely , there are the very brief items in the local newspapers where the local police use the newspaper like a bulletin board to warn the local neighbourhood about a local nuisance who insists upon exposing himself .
24 Pale shades reflect light , opening out small areas , while on the other hand , dark , rich tones will absorb light to make a room look smaller .
25 While the prospect of reconciliation between the king and the archbishop grew , it did so because on the one hand the papal ruling on royal taxation of the clergy had been relaxed , while on the other the king 's relations with his leading magnates were now rapidly deteriorating as he sought to raise and pay for an expeditionary force to Flanders .
26 Considerable physical migration took place — mostly , but not entirely , caused by the activities of the Russians — and some peoples were reduced in numbers almost to vanishing point , while on the other hand at least one new ethno-cultural group was formed .
27 Increased longevity results in increased dependency in old age , while on the other hand , increased investment in health has been accompanied not by falling but by rising rates of sickness absenteeism from work .
28 Secondly , the zone of tension between the Soviet Union and the West allowed national liberation movements to play one side off against the other : on the one hand , fear of ‘ communism ’ induced some colonial powers to make political concessions , while on the other the Soviet Union often provided political support , arms and training to these movements .
29 Thus , the study concluded , on the one hand a number of the best practice companies relied on technology ( existing and new ) to generate a stream of new ideas , while on the other less successful companies could improve their position significantly by upgrading their technological competence , and by forging links with other companies and academia possibly with the help of government support schemes .
30 In Britain , especially , the political ideas of trade union leaders in recent decades have been very confused ; on one side , most of them have continued to proclaim their general support for the Labour Party , and thus for the idea of a socialist society , however vaguely conceived , while on the other side , many of them have accepted in fact the principles of a market economy in the emphasis which they place upon ‘ free collective bargaining ’ .
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