Example sentences of "while [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 While for the prophets the envisioned universal rule of God is an eschatological event , for the Psalmist the enthronement of Yahweh is ‘ a present reality experienced in the cultic ceremony ’ ( Klappert 1976 : Vol .
2 For the Council , the creation of the new institutions has greatly added to its work , while for the colleges the rigours of course submission and CNAA validation procedures have , in some cases , been traumatic .
3 Split-half reliability for the expressive scales is reported as being between 0.84 and 0.96 , while for the comprehension scales it varies between 0.60 and 0.96 on Scale A , and between 0.46 and 0.95 on Scale B
4 The prize list promises awards in excess of £1,000 , while for the locals an extensive sponsorship deal will ensure there are prizes all through the field .
5 And up until now , it has pumped a high level of turnover back into just such research and development — out of £820,000 sales for the fiscal year ending March 1992 , some £213,000 went on this activity , while for the year ending March 1993 , the figure was more like £414,000 , out of total revenues of only £922,000 .
6 The importance of diet in this group of patients is that for some diet alone will suffice , while for the rest there must be a good dietary compliance if control is to be optimal at a steady weight whether using oral agents or insulin .
7 The season was short for tourists in Green 's time and he said that the expensively equipped inns made a frugal living in the two months of the year when they were busy , while for the rest of the year , no one came .
8 The business was able to carry on but the flat he sometimes used was uninhabitable ; he came up to London only on Tuesday nights and " camped out " for the fire-watching while for the rest of the time he commuted between London and Surrey .
9 As Dr Roper told BBC WILDLIFE , ‘ In the winter , most of the badgers slept together in the main sett , while for the rest of the year they often slept apart in one or other of the outlier setts . ’
10 The relationship between stress — and strain e for the springs is the Hookean law while for the dash-pot we assume the Newtonian viscosity law .
11 This was hardly a crucial ultimatum but , coming from a moderate , indeed sympathetic Frenchman , it suggests that the French , generally , were beyond the point of no return ; while for the Vietminh , with assorted military forces estimated at 60,000 , having already lost Haiphong as the point of entry for many of their weapons and in danger now of facing overwhelming French fire power in Hanoi , the temptations of a pre-emptive strike , even if it was an act of desperation , must have been irresistible .
12 If two groups acquiesce in the representation of their perspective through the same array of objects , which for one group is acceptable because it is bright and cheerful , while for the other is acceptable because it enshrines a sense of good design , each may project its own perspective onto the other ; in this case , the object permits the coexistence of two perspectives , rather than the dominance of either .
13 For the starling this is signal to calm down , while for the rat it is the start of its active period , but in both cases the same hormone seems to be responsible .
14 For the Shavante , the essence of manhood is what Maybury-Lewis ( 1971 : 268–9 ) summarizes as ‘ sexual bellicosity ’ , while for the Piaroa it is the ability to co-operate tranquilly with others in daily life .
15 In the second year , language work , oral and written , is developed further , while for the study of literature students are offered the possibility of selecting their field of study from four different programmes : German Texts from the Middle Ages to the 16th Century ; the ‘ Golden Age ’ of German literature ( 1760–1820 ) ; German Literature and Society 1830–1950 ; Literature , Art and Media in 20th Century Germany .
16 For the ‘ cottage ’ use while as the background and pastel blue for the ‘ sky ’ , as described in the fabric instructions .
17 Er we 've had one or one or two erm break-ins while during the night .
18 Indeed after the Napoleonic Wars the standard of life declined , low wages and poor housing leading to riots in Kent while during the winter of 1830 , rick burning took place and farm machinery was destroyed .
19 In part , of course , the problem was simply that the Soviet archives were inaccessible to western scholars , while during the Stalin era the documents and memoirs published in the Soviet Union were sparse and manifestly tendentious .
20 As the crest passes there is a strong but short forward movement , while during the passage of the long flat trough little movement takes place .
21 The Habsburgs , the Wittelsbachs , the Royal Houses of Baden and Württemberg , even the Romanovs , all had direct or tenuous connections with the Bonapartes , while through the descendants of Eugène de Beauharnais they were related to the Royal Houses of Sweden and Portugal as well as to the Emperor of Brazil .
22 While through the ice the crimson berries glow .
23 While through the spring haze yet further north , he could see hills of green where the city stopped .
24 The grandchildren always bathed in her kitchen rather than at home , and she ‘ looked after our heads ’ for lice , while after the bath the blind grandfather ‘ used to tickle our backs with stick in front of fire . ’
25 Early Christian centres have been found in Syria , Alexandria , Anatolia and Persia , to name a few , and , while after the acceptance of Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire in 325 , churches were freely built in Rome and the west ; these generally had flat , timber roofs in basilican style .
26 Seven organisations did not pay relocation allowances to new recruits while of the remainder , eight gave similar allowances under both the relocation and recruitment headings and 18 provided different sets of allowances under the two categories .
27 This network of kin and non-kin has no clear boundaries ; at the far edges are individuals who are simply ‘ known ’ or ‘ recognized ’ as kin , while towards the centre there are more effective ties , perhaps involving frequent visits and exchanges of goods and services .
28 Nowhere seemed to be safe from the searching French guns ; during the first days of March one regiment lost more men while behind the lines in reserve than during its assault on Haumont Wood the first day of the offensive .
29 In a press conference in July he raised the " problem of the dollar " for the first time , while behind the scenes he listened sympathetically to proposals ( emanating from Jacques Rueff , among others ) for reform of the international monetary system .
30 Caroline looked back at him and suddenly she thought of an old fable , the one in which a traveller had to choose which of two doors to open , knowing that behind one lay safety while behind the other crouched a tawny black and gold tiger .
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