Example sentences of "while [prep] [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 Resolving the gravitational force due to the star tangential to OA gives zero for A , while for B the force has a component towards A. Therefore there is a relative acceleration between A and B given by which is independent of the masses of A and B. Such an acceleration is called a differential or tidal acceleration ; it is unaffected by the choice of reference frame .
2 While for boys the ‘ justice ’ rather than the ‘ welfare ’ model prevails , between 70 and 80 per cent of girls in care in this country are there as a result of parents or step-parents calling in the social services because they feel their daughters to be ‘ beyond parental control ’ or ‘ morally at risk ’ .
3 Yet girls , and women , apparently choose these subjects in preference to the seemingly more objective physical sciences , while for boys the reverse is true .
4 Some contracts were , on average , overpriced ; while for others the average price was too low .
5 This kind of prestige was formalized in ploughing matches for the horsemen , while for stockmen the equivalent public arenas for competition were markets and agricultural shows .
6 While of course the whole business game involves doing better than most of your competitors , the attempt to diversify away from one 's basic business , which so much experience elsewhere has shown to be an extremely difficult operation , is a risk that I have always tried to avoid .
7 While of course the extent of the solicitor 's duty is ultimately a question for the court , surely this is a mixed question of fact and law .
8 Both systems called for increased management participation ; while with PPB the approach was top-down , with ZBB the approach was bottom-up ; whereas PPB stressed horizontal equity , ZBB stressed vertical equity .
9 The difference is only that for postverbals the property complex qualifies the E ( and in surface terms we have an intransitive verb phrase ) , while with adverbals the property complex is qualified by the E ( in surface terms , a transitive verb phrase ) .
10 While under capitalism the owning and accumulating of property is seen as the aim of life , in tribal conditions property is simple seen as a necessary pre-condition of life and social relations .
11 In some increments the Calibra shows the way , while in others the Corrado shows the Vauxhall a lead-free tailpipe .
12 This is because remedial measures have been effective in some regions ( mostly in developed nations ) while in others the rate of degradation has increased .
13 The ownership of archaeological finds depends on the local laws ( in some countries all archaeological artefacts are automatically the property of the state and have to be reported , while in others the finds belong to the owner of the land on which they were found ) , but whatever the ownership , each find needs to be properly recorded if it is to be of any use archaeologically .
14 The changes that occur in those periods all have an important international dimension , but in some the international factors interact with strongly influential , internal developments while in others the international side has greater relative weight .
15 For some cells they had the strong impression that the response increased the more the object resembled a monkey 's hand , while in others the trigger feature appeared to be a monkey 's face or head .
16 In some cases the day centres genuinely act as training centres , preparing those who attend for eventual independence , while in others the aim is simply to offer a daily change of environment and relief to their families for those too handicapped ever to lead independent lives .
17 There was an almost identical result in Leningrad , while in Kiev the " yes " vote in the all-union referendum was only 44.6 per cent .
18 He studied geographical variations in the number of species belonging to a genus , showing that in France , for instance , there was an average of 7.2 species per genus , while in Britain the corresponding figure was 2.3 .
19 The radial Spanish trunk network had to contend with one of the most difficult geographies in Europe , which means that most routes from Madrid to the coast have to cross at least one mountain range , while in Britain the major centres are connected across relatively easy terrain .
20 Most notably , the Spanish strategy was being implemented by a modernizing , socially reformist government , while in Britain the increasing pressures on the railways in recent years have come from a radical Conservative government hostile to the public sector in principle .
21 Marxism and Existentialism have exercised the greatest influence upon theology , while in addition the general question of how far theology should permit itself to be influenced by philosophy has also been given a good deal of attention .
22 In Manchester the handover has allowed it to offload heavy costs such as bridge maintenance , while in Sheffield the running of the tram system into British Midland 's station has turned it into a major transport terminus , which includes buses .
23 While in Bali the ASEAN leaders agreed that their forthcoming summit in Singapore would proceed as planned .
24 News Corporation shares shed 55 cents to close at A$15.9 , while in London the shares of the News International subsidiary fell 21p to 352p .
25 About 40,000 brokerage accounts were transferred to Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc. in the USA , while in London the Bank of England and city institutions stepped in to deal with the consequences of the collapse on the foreign exchange .
26 Bitter drinkers in the NorthEast can expect to pay between 95p and £1.35 a pint while in London the price soars to as much as £1.72 .
27 In July the Earls of Northampton , Oxford , Pembroke and Devon together with Sir Hugh Despenser , Sir Richard Talbot and Sir Richard Stafford took an army to the duchy and put Charles of Blois to flight at the battle of Morlaix on 30 September , while in October the king himself embarked for Brittany , aware that part of the duchy had already been regained for the Montfort cause .
28 While in Paris the Arab arms dealers who had arranged the deal had also vanished with half-a-billion dollars of Iranian money .
29 A 1975/6 random daytime survey for the Department of the Environment revealed that over 7 per cent of the tapwater in England exceeded the EC limit while in Scotland the figure was over 34 per cent .
30 Labov ( 1972b : 73 ) has noted that in New York City the subset of short a items which is liable to tensing and raising is not predictable on phonological grounds , while in Philadelphia the behaviour of the items mad , bad , glad is different from that of others in the a word-class .
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