Example sentences of "while [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Naturally the coach roads were the worst affected , while off the beaten track Green and no doubt others , continued to enjoy the former hospitality and generosity .
2 Newcastle employed him at Claremont , Surrey ( 1752 ) , and as chancellor of Cambridge University secured his employment to design the university library ( 1754–8 ) ; while for the second duke he worked at Clumber House , Nottinghamshire ( 1768–78 , demolished ) , and designed the bridge in Newark in the same county ( 1775 ) .
3 For the first group , more careful diagnostic and treatment procedures , especially extent of surgical resection , are essential in preventing recurrence , while for the second group , one has to identify means of blocking the function of or deleting the effects of persisting carcinogenetic factors , such as hepatitis B virus infection .
4 By 1985 it was recorded that the top 6 per cent of the population in income terms now received 25 per cent of national income , while for the poorest 20 per cent their share had actually fallen from even the 5.9 per cent they enjoyed in 1979 .
5 For men in the 16-19 age group it was just 1.9 per cent , while for the 60-64 age group it was 10.2 per cent .
6 From these figures , it was calculated that it would take some 100 years for the cut and cut-and-burnt sites to attain biomass levels of the original forest , while for the bulldozed forests , it is estimated that 1000 years would be needed .
7 More complicated was the situation at Queen 's , where designs for the front quad were prepared by Hawksmoor , but the scheme executed by Townesend ( 1710–21 ) appears to have been almost entirely the joint work of himself and Clarke ; while for the new building at Magdalen , the original design by Edward Holdsworth [ q.v. ] was revised by Townesend in 1731 under Clarke 's direction .
8 So , while for the first of these two failures Owen may be criticised , for the second he must be excused .
9 For the early British researchers , surveys were a means of obtaining from large numbers of people reports on their conditions of life , while for the American surveyors , more interest was expressed in attitudes and opinions which predispose people to behave in certain ways .
10 However some employers must have moved more quickly , since the Scotsman for the same day carried the following report : The masters say they have engaged workmen from England who have proved equal to the occasion , while for the past few weeks an experiment was made with educated females at the case .
11 Rather , it is to agree with his conclusion that , while for the articulate elite , like the artisans who constituted the Owenite membership of the National Union of Working Classes and Others and who debated reform at the London Rotunda , the kind of reform they wanted — annual parliaments , universal suffrage and the ballot — was just what Grey expressly denied .
12 Resolving the curvature of the line of latitude perpendicular and parallel to the surface gives ; while for the geodesic great circle the corresponding components are 1/r and 0 .
13 So , while for the scholastic tradition ‘ opinion ’ concerns contingencies , for Locke it concerns what seem like contingencies to us , but what , in reality , may be universal certainties .
14 =12 , p<0.01 , while for the three least risky junctions the mean correlation is -0.48 , d.f .
15 For the first three firms we can use the Gordon growth model ( 6.27 ) , while for the last firm we use the supernormal growth model ( 6.38 ) .
16 For the Hungarian political parties , facing a general election in March , the issue is of great importance , while for the provisional government now in control in Bucharest the question of Romania 's sovereignty remains extremely sensitive .
17 IBM Corp 3172 functionality will be provided on the company 's router systems as phase 3 of the plan during the first half of next year , while during the second half there will be an expansion of multiprotocol routing with the inclusion of APPN/NN routing .
18 Such features are not consistent with the idea that the peninsula was built by longshore drift from the east , unless such drift was active only for short periods while during the intervening time the drift was predominantly from the west .
19 Not only do the hereditary peers entitled to sit in the House of Lords outnumber life peers by over two to one , but the hereditary principle ensures a constant supply of new blood , while during the eighties the Labour benches became thinner and thinner , as their life peers grew older and more infirm .
20 In London , the Greater London Council had similar responsibilities to the metropolitan counties , but the Metropolitan Police came directly under the Home Secretary , while through the Inner London Education Authority — which also included representatives from the Inner London Boroughs — it was directly involved in education within inner London .
21 Shiny swathes of gold , scarlet and black fabric had been draped from the ceiling , while between the gaudy bolts a brand-new wallpaper of rose-covered trellis disguised the damp patches of the ballroom 's plaster .
22 A year later Frederick I of Prussia ordered that in future deserters should have their nose and one of their ears cut off and be sent to hard labour for life , while after the Seven Years War a chain of military posts was set up on France 's frontiers to prevent the escape abroad of soldiers fleeing from their units .
23 Of the Duchy 's 400,000 inhabitants 113,000 were foreigners ( half of whom were either Italian or Portuguese ) , while of the 78,000 inhabitants of Luxembourg-Ville 25,000 were from other EC countries .
24 Similarly , 4414 West Ham residents worked at Tate & Lyle 's sugar refineries , 4171 ( 94.5 per cent ) of whom lived in Canning Town or Plaistow , while of the 3880 employed at the LNER locomotive works , 3444 ( 88.8 per cent ) lived in Stratford or Forest Gate .
25 A neutral eyewitness reported that the building holding the stores of planks , pitch and cordage was entirely destroyed , while of the 600 shells which had fallen in the town 100 had landed on the basin and harbour .
26 With the latter , the payments are concentrated in the early years of their lives , while with the former , they are concentrated in the later years .
27 The price policies are less sensitive to the inclusion of scale economies ; with the EC minimum import price , welfare is reduced an additional 0.08% , while with the optimal tariff , welfare is increased by an extra 0.24% .
28 The fingers of one hand tugged and pulled , ineffectually , at the dark hair , while with the other hand she held him , her breast thrust against him , feeling the strength of her longing sap the power from her limbs .
29 Business men find it especially odd that the Labour party intends to introduce a minimum wage with one hand while with the other hand it would remove our tax cuts for the lowest paid .
30 While with the ancient city state there was a unity between town and country , since country settlements were really extensions of the city both in the type of economic activity which took place there and in the principles of social organization in the two places , this was not so under feudalism .
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