Example sentences of "while [verb] at the " in BNC.

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1 Louis , a sportsman and only child , was struck while jogging at the edge of the road .
2 Louis , an all-round sportsman and only child , was struck while jogging at the edge of the road on 13 July .
3 The bar-room whose porch I was leaning on , while gazing at the street , was surrounded by cameras , lighting and film crew .
4 Belinda listened on tenterhooks to one side of the discussion as Tom somehow managed to present his case forcefully while driving at the same time .
5 He had a successful operation in December but suffered problems with his shoulder socket while training at the start of last month .
6 As well as being appropriately dressed you should also be aware that you may have been noted even while looking at the agency 's window display .
7 She knew she did not want to be an employee or to set up on her own and accepted a position as Recorder on the South-East Circuit while looking at the appointments pages in the newspapers .
8 For a moment , the Doctor toyed lightly with the simularity crystal he had found while looking at the blood on the floor .
9 She recalled how she had steadied the block with one hand while pulling at the handle with the other , and how smoothly the blade had slid from its slot .
10 It undoubtedly appeals to the sadistic side of human nature and I must confess that while horrified at the idea of maiming or killing people , my first reaction is to laugh .
11 The most common drill — and this is even practised by the better players who may be struggling with their groundstrokes — is to put targets within 60–90cm ( 2–3ft ) of the baseline and inside tramline and think in terms of rallying while aiming at the targeted areas .
12 Children are assessed while staying at the Institute for up to four weeks ( this may be extended in some cases ) .
13 The other poem which Coleridge wrote during his retreat , and the circumstances of its composition , have entered the mythology of English literary history : while staying at the Culbone farmhouse he took three grains of opium to relieve what he variously described as ‘ a dysentery ’ or ‘ a slight indisposition ’ , and in the deep reverie which followed composed two or three hundred lines of poetry ‘ without any sensation of consciousness of effort ’ .
14 While staying at The Vyne in Hampshire at the end of the last century , Lord Charles Beresford made a spectacular conquest which led to the object of his desire suggesting that they furthered their acquaintance in her room after the rest of the party had retired .
15 WHILE staying at the hotel — there is easy access from junctions 16 and 18 on the M6 and Crewe railway station is nearby — you will have the opportunity to visit the exotic Stapeley Water Gardens , Bridgemere Garden World or the Cheshire candle workshops .
16 Mecdi is even more specific : " [ While teaching at the Sahn ] he became kazasker in place of Hocazade …
17 Why are you concerning yourself about these matters ? she queried mentally while staring at the typewriter .
18 Like most true Cornishmen , the Arundells were staunchly Royalist during the troubles , and the sixth Sir John was killed at Plymouth while charging at the head of his troop in 1643 .
19 Earlier , five unarmed demonstrators were reportedly shot dead in late April in Manfalut , south-west of Cairo in the Fayourn region , reportedly while protesting at the banning of a traditional Moslem festival .
20 Seven years after the Americans bombed Libya , a veteran peace campaigner has been arrested while protesting at the airbase used for the raid .
21 Thus Houston attempts to think through the difference which television 's textual specificity presents to theories of the psychoanalytic and semiotic subject , while recognizing at the same time the interrelationship between that specificity and the specificities of institution and viewing .
22 On this issue therefore , I find it curious that so many people can become excited at the humanitarianism of the young Marx while choosing at the same time to ignore the inhumanity of the more mature Marx .
23 While standing at the corner with some of the boys , a tall , well-built , red-haired man approached them , and said :
24 Later , while sitting at the kitchen table making a special list of people to help with Easter flowers , and a subsidiary list of those who might be approached to donate Easter lilies , Anna and her conscience had a little tussle .
25 Then he said something in a very low voice , while gesturing at the bruiser with the wallet .
26 Gombrich sombrely recalled hearing about Auschwitz while working at the BBC Monitoring Service during the war : ‘ They claimed at that time — I remember that as if it were yesterday — they claimed that at least five million people had been killed , and I remember a colleague of mine coming to me to check this figure , because it seemed impossible .
27 Some of the more important include George Blake , who worked for MI6 ( see Chapter 2 ) ; John Cairncross , who betrayed Ultra secrets from the Government Code & Cipher School ( GCCS ) at Bletchley Park during the war to the Russians ; John Vassall , a sad homosexual who gave away naval secrets while working at the Admiralty ; Frank Bossard , who gave the Russians details of British and American guided weapons systems ( which must have amused them greatly as the Russians were far ahead of the West at the time ) ; and William Marshall , who had worked as a cipher clerk at the British Embassy in Moscow .
28 An important step in establishing this was taken by Einstein in 1905 ( that amazing year in which , while working at the patent office in Berne , he also invented special relativity and explained Brownian motion ) .
29 The spy , referred to in the report only by his US code name " Donald F. " , had been recruited by the US Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA ) in 1961 while working at the Soviet mission to the United Nations in New York .
30 Keenan had been kidnapped on April 11 , 1986 , while working at the American University of Beirut .
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