Example sentences of "in with the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ For the first time since the start of the recession , ’ said Mr Hayward we may be seeing some glimmer of light , particularly as the figures tie in with the slight decrease in receiverships this quarter and with recent reports of an increase in business optimism .
2 The dots are filled in with the appropriate names like this :
3 You may have a rough idea of where you are going and if it fits in with the cosmic blueprint , doors open easily .
4 ‘ To be honest I do n't think it fits in with the Irish way of things .
5 In his 1959 essay " The English School in a Democracy " Bateson outlines the characteristics of the kind of trained mind he envisages , which seem to fit in with the mental attitudes and orientations most suited to the democratic process .
6 These findings tie in with the regular spontaneous contractions which are observed in smooth muscle .
7 I stopped at a pub I used rarely near the BBC and had a ploughman 's and a couple of orange juices , no alcohol , partly because I wanted to keep a clear head and partly to fit in with the cab-driver persona .
8 Animals may avoid being eaten by active flight , as do moths escaping from bats ; by camouflage , which requires behavioural adaptations to fit in with the visual markings ; by warning coloration , to teach predators to avoid sickening prey ; by mimicry of successfully warning-coloured species ; or by aggregation in groups , such as the schools of fish .
9 If you put those in with the two
10 Meanwhile Jackson himself , a gangly six foot four , with a hairline not so much receding as speeding flat out towards his neck , was easily slotted in with the other unlikely pop stars , taking their surly revenge on the conventional way of doing things .
11 In just over an hour he took five wickets , Ambrose chipped in with the other two , and England were all out for 93 .
12 Then she discarded that , too , and left Corrie 's side for the first time to join in with the other children .
13 ‘ If you can do that , then you have in your mind what the strong target notes are and you can start going in with the other notes of the scale .
14 The notion of a routine , of a particular time for meals , baths , bed for young children — to fit in with the other interests and commitments of parents working outside the home — is not especially important .
15 It is thought to be exploring how insurance risks compare and fit in with the other financial risks it already manages routinely for customers .
16 The people who are seizing and occupying the present time can not belong in my colour , they 're like the bits that leap out of a spinning bowl , too heavy , too separate and distinct to be blended in with the other substances ; red-hot stones , flung out and setting on fire the place where they land .
17 The nature of Wakelate 's business necessitated that he and his wife should blend in with the other guests .
18 His underwear will be perfectly all right in with the other clothes .
19 If an Assembly were given tax-raising powers , how would that fit in with the other fiscal arrangements ?
20 Gon na see how , per haps perhaps fits in with the other erm bits , so who 's starting off , you 're starting off are n't you ?
21 The period of time when acceptance becomes possible seems to link in with the first anniversary of events .
22 To tie in with the new broadcasting levy system , which starts in January , HTV is changing its year end from July to December .
23 In the eyes of such politicians , industrial managers were not seen as the creators of the nation 's wealth , and the providers of job opportunities for the people , but as despoilers of the environment ; obsolete men , peddling obsolete views , who did n't really fit in with the new social scheme of things .
24 Out with the old , in with the new , and all that .
25 The organisers were looking for a nurse who could show how her work — both before and after the changes brought in with the New Contract — had helped her patients .
26 AS Big Ben bings its last bong at midnight tonight it will be out with the old ITV and in with the new .
27 And Pilger , an exasperatingly prickly individualist determined to expose the ills of the world , stubbornly refused to lower his standards and fit in with the new requirements .
28 Orbitel Mobile Communications Ltd says it is to launch its latest series of Groupe Speciale Mobile phones at CeBit ‘ 93 , in Hannover : improvements to come in with the new 901 series include improved battery life , speedier battery charging , and ‘ added functionality ’ , although Orbitel is not saying yet exactly what it means by this ; the series is to include a combined mobile and transportable phone , providing both in-car and portable functionality , the company says .
29 Two of the five vessels being built for Olsen are designed to comply with this legislation , and this , says Parker , will give it a proven ability to fit in with the new requirements .
30 The motherboard can take a full 66MHz DX2 chip but there 's no easy upgrade socket — it 's a case of our with the old and in with the new .
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