Example sentences of "in to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 One of the hypotheses I was considering was that during REM sleep ( and therefore during REM sleep dreams ) the entire memory system is accessible — none of the inhibitions present during wakeful life are active , and new memories can be fitted in to the appropriate cognitive structures during REM sleep .
2 Nor was she going to give in to the warm and leaping sensations being generated in her by the slow , rhythmic stroking of his fingers .
3 Ties in to the seven-part BBC series ,
4 And I went down and he gave me a letter , he says Take your wife in to the general hospital with this letter .
5 The Free Miners of the Forest of Dean were brought in to the general election campaign today , with a warning that their livelihoods could be ruined by imports of cheap foreign coal .
6 The drawing suggests how a sector of resources has been ignored and is not linked in to the over-all plan .
7 Where does yours fit in to the various classifications — or do you have a baby who 's a mixture of several ?
8 For one moment he hesitated , provoking her to give in to the gentle malice which settled inside her .
9 The first operation on the lathe is to mark the inside and outside diameters of the foot , then cut in to the correct depths , measured from the template , using a parting tool .
10 But had n't he thought that Spiderglass would save him somehow , plug him in to the endless dance of electrons ?
11 The cultural value of all these activities was thought to be negligible but at least some useful qualities were being inculcated and above all their commercial basis bound them in to the mainstream organization and values of middle-class society .
12 From the moment you step in to the cool , colonial atmosphere of Sunwing 's reception with its cane and luxurious pastel furniture you know you 're in for a real treat .
13 At the end of it , just before Myeloski had given in to the rough flight conditions , Duncan had come to realize how sharp the policeman was , how through his individual approach he had put together clues that most others would have missed .
14 The only money they put in to the chief executives and their two yearly pay re review performances that they get , for cutting other people 's wages or contracting Health Services and for somebody to have to travel that distance for a , to die , is absolutely appalling and it 's a disgrace .
15 That is not standards or objectivity , but giving in to the usual pressures from the National Union of Teachers and NALGO , to which Labour Members always give in .
16 And then she checked Well anyway the week after he 'd phoned there was no what you call in it so he wrote it in to the damn thing and said why is it when some people puts adverts in they not only put it in once they put it in three or four times the same week
17 As she clenched her hands on the rail until they hurt , she fought to hate him , to make herself angry , not to give in to the terrible despair that kept threatening to overwhelm her .
18 Pinnacle , which currently offers a Sparc 2 CPU board , will leverage its experience in the Sun spares , repair and trade-in hardware business — combined with the SunSoft deal — to launch itself in to the compatible market proper , backed by a hefty advertisement campaign .
19 Perhaps the papers must be examined twice by two different examiners in different parts of the country ; the marks must be sent in to the central body by a certain date ; there may be not only scores of examination papers but hundreds , each of them containing the attempts of several questions .
20 er he wants money coming in to the central fund er if has in two years time to face a , a trial , these allegations so be it , but meanwhile he wants the money to come in to the central fund for the reason he 's outlined
21 er he wants money coming in to the central fund er if has in two years time to face a , a trial , these allegations so be it , but meanwhile he wants the money to come in to the central fund for the reason he 's outlined
22 We allow ourselves to tune in to the personal life and love of God , not to an abstract principle or an impersonal deity .
23 It all started when Sharon moved in to the flat next door to Tony and asked to borrow some coffee .
24 In addition , many other categories of workers in the formal and informal sectors in all three worlds have been progressively drawn in to the global capitalist system by the simple expedient of severely restricting and in more and more cases absolutely destroying their prospects for selfsufficiency in the provision of food , shelter and other ‘ necessities ’ of life .
25 As to the first , it is not surprising that poorer citizens , especially those from more distant demes , found it hard to walk in to the frequent meetings of the Council ( though the argument from distance should not be overstated : Andokides ( i.38 ) mentions an early morning walk of twenty miles from Laurion to Athens as nothing special ) .
26 He moved in to the new , roomier accommodation .
27 The Germans had launched a counter-offensive against the Allied bridgehead at Anzio and air support , against enemy troop concentration and lines of communication , became vital in preventing loss of the bridgehead. 223 Squadron moved from Foggia to Biferno/Campomarino to join 3 ( South African Air Force ) Wing on March 13 and after one day to settle in to the new surroundings was tasked against the San Benedetto marshalling yards .
28 Log in to the new process by typing :
29 De Gaulle wanted the agricultural settlement but was not prepared to accept it at the price of giving in to the other five and the Commission on the issues of resourcing and budgetary control .
30 but you can do it because you know you can go back home as it were in to the other area .
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