Example sentences of "in [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We wandered back home and when we entered the yard we were called in to go to bed early so we could get up to help in the morning .
2 In Peters v. Prince of Wales Theatre ( Birmingham ) Ltd . ,
3 Annunciata , coming in singing with coffee , was reprimanded for causing a headache to begin on that instant and Wilson could not help feeling triumphant .
4 I have I would say that most of the people who answer yes who have been in say for instance home improvements
5 When we finish , there are the people who come in to work at night .
6 Then , right after he and Mr. Mendez left , a mustered-out soldier from Thomas came in looking for passage to Bisbee .
7 George came in looking like death .
8 Er from then on , you know , things were really put in put into action .
9 I 'll be like Geor Geo George 's mother one year and his mo and his mother was in her seventies he came in says to daddy ho gosh !
10 Erm b but there was no reason why we should sit in wait in case they might go up because they might have gone down further .
11 The reproducibility of these data is shown in shown in Fig. 4 legend .
12 He had gone in to look for adventure , but had found love , he told Lord Henry .
13 ‘ I went in to look for adventure , but I found love , ’ Dorian told Lord Henry .
14 When western doctors went in to look for thyroid and other illnesses , they could not tell whether the apparent increase they discovered in these things was due to radiation or to the fact that no one had done such a thorough diagnosis before .
15 ’ You have very similar motives in someone as charismatic as David as you do in the mute lad I played in Trapped In Silence .
16 But of all Koresh 's dubious activities it was gun dealing that would bring him in to conflict with authority .
17 And like , Scott told me and thinking about it if I 'd of been in in the frame , frame of mind that I 'm in know for example , I would of sort of pah !
18 Does my right hon. Friend accept that if the major galleries of this country are to go on with their extremely enlightened and successful purchasing programme , it is essential that we bring in charging for entry ?
19 Another means of enhancing the qualities of base metals and alloys , at least in regards to surface appearance , is to bond together different metals in a process such as plating .
20 Since those days , American golf influences has been colossal , but , in regards to teaching , they have all — including Mr Hogan — gone back to old-time Scottish basics , or to Harry Vardon .
21 Is there a repairs problem in West Belfast ? how does the repairs system operate at the present time ? is the policy of employing contractors for repairs adequate ? are tenants rights safeguarded in the tendering policy of the Housing Executive in regards to accountability to the community and the standard of work carried out ?
22 Though crops can be raised for local consumption in favoured areas of Alaska and Siberia , efficient horticulture is possible only under glass and with considerable inputs of energy ; it is generally cheaper and more reliable to bring in produce by road or air from the south .
23 She came in bubbling with excitement ; all evening she had brimmed with some secret mirth .
24 She was n't sure just how she felt , but she retained enough control to know that she could n't give in to shock in front of fitzAlan .
25 A Wolves penalty miss lets in Stoke Derby dig in to hold off Palace and Peterborough put Birmingham on the spot .
26 He said that he had taken into account the views of local authorities put to him since he met them last year , he might have taken in to account of course , we did n't accept any of the er er observations .
27 ‘ The story goes , ’ I told him , as we drove up to Llanberis after meeting at Bangor station , ‘ that you were in the Radziel and a woman came in collecting for charity .
28 Stephen came in to change for dinner , thoughtful and brooding .
29 In addition to its obvious use as a cultural asset , we might also provide part-time courses for local people to come in to learn about Art History and to use the collections in the Barber as their source material .
30 Plant breeders anywhere in the world can write in to ask for budwood from these clones , some of which are wild in origin while others have been selected from plantations in various countries .
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