Example sentences of "ask him [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 The judge publicly rebuked the jury , and wrote to the Governor , J. West Ridgeway , asking him to pardon the convicted men .
2 A Mr. Chapman wrote to Whitbread asking him to return the copy of a report written by Dr. Yeats who had seen the girl on admission .
3 Well I 'm only asking him to lift the bags .
4 It might well be Miriam asking him to ask the Chancellor whether she should buy or sell .
5 He gets cold feet and phones his bank manager asking him to stop the cheque .
6 The injunction that Churchill gave Hugh Dalton , in asking him to oversee the Special Operations Executive , was ‘ to set Europe ablaze ’ .
7 John Talbot of Arthur Andersen , administrator to Robert Maxwell Group , Bishopsgate Investment Trust and London & Bishopsgate Group , has written to Mr Maxwell asking him to explain the payment of almost £140m from those companies to American investment bank Goldman Sachs .
8 I wrote to Neil Kinnock during the last election , asking him to withdraw the remark that gays and lesbians were losing votes on the doorsteps of the pensioners .
9 Council leader , Phyllis Starkey , and Conservative Group Leader , Janet Todd , have written to the Unit General Manager of the John Radcliffe , Tony Stapleton , asking him to withdraw the charge , but hospital officials say they are introducing fees following a survey of people using the hospital , which showed that seventy percent of them were in favour of it .
10 The defendant agreed , and prepared a list of goods to the value of £7,950 which he submitted to the manager , Mr. Gilberd , saying that it represented a genuine order by one Johal and asking him to authorise the supply of the goods in return for a building society cheque in that sum .
11 The defendant then prepared and submitted to the manager of the shop , Mr. Gilberd , a list of goods to the value of £7,950 , telling him that the list represented a bona fide order placed by one Johal and asking him to authorise the supply of the goods against a building society cheque for that amount .
12 The Queen gave Mr Major an urgent message on Tuesday night asking him to tell the nation .
13 With great reluctance , as he maintained , Ledeen carried the message from Israel 's prime minister , Shimon Peres , to McFarlane in the summer of 1985 , asking him to approve the first shipment of arms from Israel to Iran ; McFarlane replied ‘ Okay , just that one shipment and nothing else ’ , words that soon acquired a hollow , awful sound .
14 They have written to Director General of Fair Trading Sir Bryan Carsberg asking him to advise the Government to lift a ban on the two companies discussing the integration of their Dover-Calais services .
15 Mr Bergg wrote to Mr Fallon asking him to qualify the remarks he made during the debate .
16 Many do not recognise the irony of liking the band because of their ordinariness and then venerating Gedge by asking him to sign the cover of a single .
17 Tory MP for Suffolk Central Michael Lord has written to Attorney General Sir Nicholas Lyell asking him to review the sentences .
18 Some months earlier I had written to Sir Sidney Barton who , fortunately for me , was still British Minister in Addis Ababa , asking him to obtain the Emperor 's permission for me to follow the Awash river through the Danakil country to discover where and how it ended .
19 The Bangladesh government approached the UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali , asking him to raise the issue at the Security Council , and on March 10 the UN High Commissioner for Refugees ( UNHCR ) launched an appeal for international assistance .
20 Just to show I 'm nobody 's fool I contacted a veterinary surgeon and asked him to examine the dog ( who was a year old ) to make sure it was n't sickly , had a leg on each corner , would n't keep toppling over , and had a head fixed on the right end .
21 When six chimed on the clock above the door , I reluctantly asked him to push the blind back in , and to lock up while I checked over the day 's takings .
22 Seeing a young officer in the bar , the chairman bought Cooper-Key a drink and asked him to give the list a quick once-over .
23 When in Washington both Houses , in an extraordinary mark of respect , asked him to give the opening prayer as they assembled for the fifty-fifth Congress . )
24 It was soon after that that Tom the cabin boy 's Aunt Clarabel asked him to put the cat out .
25 Well , I could go to the casting and asked him to put the pattern in and fire it for it , to cut the sand out like that , you know so that the metal 'd run in like that and you 'd got the big head as you wanted , you know and er it 'd take you like castings with the machine and all that sort of thing , it was all hand stuff you know and yeah
26 Mr Primakov asked him to remind the meeting that the Soviet Union wanted to attend the G7 summit in London .
27 One state Department cable to the US ambassador in Teheran asked him to remind the Shah the reforms were necessary " because it is generally agreed that without some reforms Iran as likely as Khrushchev predicted to fall to Soviets like ripe plum "
28 ‘ Of course , why do you think I asked him to attend the opening of the store ? ’
29 We asked him to explain the significance of ‘ Manifeste ’ .
30 Kalchu spoke to the dhāmi and asked him to call the god to the shrine that night .
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