Example sentences of "same time [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She was hopelessly confused , not wanting to lose Georg , but at the same time obsessed with the pull of Gesner .
2 One of the best known and most popular members of the Apistogramma genus is A.agassizii , a fish which is interesting enough to attract the cichlid enthusiast , but at the same time amenable to community care by the relative beginner .
3 In Middle-earth he wanted a similar ultimate courage undiluted by confidence — but at the same time untainted by rage and despair .
4 x. failure to maintain professional standards , being at the same time pefectionistic in some things and amazingly casual in others .
5 Through the use of these negatives ( engineering and maths ) , we can see students ' construction of an identity as ‘ physicist ’ : a person who is not too remote from reality , but who is at the same time capable of independent and abstract thought — a point we shall return to in Chapter 6 .
6 But in the opinion of one analytical chemist connected with racing , designer drugs have become big business in America and side-by-side with their development have come masking agents — innocent in themselves but if administered at the same time capable of totally wiping out any trace of them .
7 The language of the novel makes use of this cliché to demonstrate first that there is a profound ambiguity in the social construction of femininity according to which women are passive but at the same time subversive of the binary distinction which so construes them , and second that all people , male and female , are condemned to being at least partially the product of the language of others .
8 She came round to his chair and put her big arms around his neck , aware of what her flesh would feel like on his skin and at the same time ashamed to be self-conscious .
9 And at the same time ashamed of the affliction that he had brought down on himself .
10 I can not , it seems , both be aware of my hand and at the same time aware of that awareness .
11 So she agreed to that bargain , and for a few days more kept the secret to herself , still hopeful that she might be mistaken , and yet at the same time aware of a feeling of inner triumph at the knowledge that she had her very own baby growing inside her womb .
12 He was curiously moved , but at the same time suspicious of his own reactions .
13 Alcoves like this can also be treated like separate small rooms and lined with mirror ; or with the curtain or shade fabric ; or painted or papered in a colour from the room scheme which is at the same time different from the main walls .
14 The point of preparation is to be well tuned and at the same time flexible to new interpretations and ideas .
15 The moment of unease passed and she smiled at him , feeling almost breathlessly happy at seeing him so unexpectedly , yet at the same time full of dismay at his unfortunate timing .
16 Latin America is not alone in the world in being an agricultural producer and at the same time dependent on imported foodstuffs .
17 Esther was small , neat , brown of skin , smooth , tidy , even ( almost ) elegant , yet somehow at the same time pugnacious of aspect , subversive , aggressive , commanding , Napoleonic of manner .
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