Example sentences of "where [pers pn] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 No , see that one that 's going up near where I planted granddad 's honeysuckle ?
2 That 's where I struck gold .
3 That 's where I got bike from
4 So I would go down there and that 's where I got hip to Van Halen , because all the kids were playing the stupid Eruption solo every day .
5 Well I understand that you get fifteen , it 's just that I 've got a lot of customer where I got business that is depending on the kind of insurance that we give them , based on what our
6 That is where I spilled vodka on it the day I wore it for the first time . ’
7 Then shortly after that I moved to where because no one else who wanted to buy the old buildings , I purchased them from the firm of er in our own right , no ou , in my own right and I started my office there where I had warehouse space .
8 There had to come a point where I took control of my future . ’
9 Ideally I want a job where I get relocation .
10 I think it has a rather shaky present here but it 's got a very solid present in other countries at the moment , where I think feminism is one of the most dynamic movements .
11 Last winter round here there was nothing more alarming than a little cat-ice in the margins , gone by midday , and it 's now at the stage where I think advice on constructing insulating entire pool covers may have been overtaken by the global weather pattern .
12 ‘ I know where I rate death in life 's tragedies .
13 I trust that my proposals as to where I believe library and information science professionals should direct their efforts are sufficiently clear-cut so as to draw responses from the professionals involved .
14 erm I can not see , and this is where I part company with Peter Williamson to some extent , I can not see any reason why his data should be regarded as showing that when the sudden change did take place it took place for any reason other than natural selection within a single population .
15 He pushes back his sleeve to show scars where I have vaccination marks .
16 It 's a normal thing to do , to teach your children everything from the time they 're born , so to put some kind of arbitrary division on where you stop helping is nonsense to the child and it 's , it 's absurd to parents , too , and of course it does n't happen .
17 ‘ But this is the point where you stop thinking of me as a frustrated lover , or even as just a man .
18 and on the corner here is this road , where you go park road there , they used to have a place where they killed pigs and made black puddings in the middle of main street
19 I think that would depend on the species would n't it and the , and the local conditions , for example in that erm case I mentioned in yesterday 's lecture monogamous birds with long breeding groups where you get desertion .
20 Experimentation with the points where you make contact with the string is the best way of locating each harmonic …
21 If you can identify some of them , you may find you can arrange things so that you avoid some of the situations that make you feel Not-OK and increase your exposure to situations where you experience OKness .
22 where you going ice skating ?
23 He says it 's not knowing where you going toe nd up which makes it fun .
24 Where you going love ?
25 Where you going mate ?
26 When you 've reached the point where you want publication , where seeing your work in print is necessary to you in order to feel you 've made a permanent communication — then you have to begin the work of looking at the market , seeing what is published and by whom .
27 But first , but when we first came here I spent three hours on a Sunday morning , and I only did that area where you play football .
28 and therefore you can have a situation where , I mean if the Queen is there for another twenty years say , say the situation in twenty years time where you have king on throne and a queen who have not lived together for thirty years or whatever years and you know still playing out this
29 You settle down more quickly in a place you know rather than a new place where you need time to get used to the seating , the lighting , the visual distractions .
30 ‘ A foundry is where you melt iron or other metal and pour it into moulds to make castings .
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