Example sentences of "system which [modal v] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 As New Zealanders sifted through the ashes of their World Cup defeat they were beginning to realise that after forming a recipe with which to win the Cup in 1987 they just as surely set up a system which would lead to losing it in 1991 .
2 ‘ In early 1991 we had particular problems in achieving the levels of service on the Back Office system which would enable branches to meet their business needs .
3 The loss of sudomotor function seen in constipated patients in this study would at first indicate a degree of impairment of the sympathetic nervous system which would result in the loss of inhibitory tone on gut smooth muscle .
4 On Oct. 5-8 in Moscow , and again in Washington in late October , US and Soviet arms control negotiators apparently discussed a defence system which would protect the Soviet Union from ballistic missile attacks .
5 Erm and there was nothing within the development plan system which would preclude this .
6 This was so whether the reformative sentence would be disproportionately long or disproportionately short , although most adherents of the Justice Model in the 1970s ( who tended to be liberal or moderately radical in political persua-sion ) wanted a just deserts system which would punish less harshly overall — again like Beccaria two centuries previously .
7 At a time when it had not yet developed a project portfolio , it was concerned with such questions as how to set up a broadcasting system which would serve society as a whole rather than merely serving governments and the ruling elites .
8 Tiring of telephony after four more patents , which included improvements in submarine cables , he joined the Columbia Graphophone Company in 1929 to develop an entirely electrical disk recording system which would circumvent Western Electronic 's semi-mechanical equipment and abolish Columbia 's obligation to pay royalties .
9 The two companies decided to set up a joint research and development project to find a system which would meet the new standards in a cost-effective way , and Project Alaska was born .
10 In 1986 the then current team started work towards a system which would do automatic or semi-automatic query expansion by using terms extracted from records which the user had seen and judged relevant .
11 Assuming it was impractical to produce immediately a system which would do everything that personnel management wanted , which were the most important factors ?
12 ‘ The ingredients are Labour and Liberal unconcern about increasing levels of economic migrants and asylum seekers entering Britain , coupled with the introduction of a political system which would unleash extremists who fed upon public concern about this issue , ’ said Mr Baker .
13 They also differ in the nature of the system which would deliver that which is desired .
14 The ordinance envisioned a common and compulsory branding system which would make possible the easy identification of cattle from anywhere in the island .
15 Yet discussions of the threat to public service broadcasting have ignored not only the potential for change but also the deficiencies of the existing system which would make us question its benefits and its claim to permanence .
16 Er , I think it would be far better to have a streamlined regulatory system which would make the much cheaper and more efficient and I 'm glad that the honourable gentleman seems to be agreeing and perhaps he could try and persuade his honourable mefem member on the front bench that legislation , primary legislation is needed , I 'm glad to hear he 's working on it erm on on the second on the second point he made about the number of regulations , I 'm not sure I would agree with him that the best way of resolving this problem is to have less regulations er er though I would agree with the general er thrust of what he might be saying and that is that if the regulatory system was to concentrate on promoting higher professional standards and have less emphasis on rules and regulations then I think that would help .
17 This document describes the features of a system which would satisfy the requirements of the New OED Project Team .
18 Having prematurely begun campaigning against Bush , however , he was forced to refocus his campaign on Brown , whom he attacked for advocating a taxation system which would favour the rich .
19 One of the main objectives of the negotiators was to devise a new system which would avoid a return to the economic conditions of the 1930s .
20 What was needed was a good control system which would tell them where in the organization the problem lay so they could tackle it at source .
21 We were in danger of creating a system which would involve testing over far too long a period of time .
22 Dobry therefore had a difficult task of reconciling apparently irreconcilable objectives : to expedite planning procedures while at the same time facilitating greater public participation and devising a system which would produce better environmental results .
23 A modified HLCA system which would reduce the upland agriculture/ conservation conflict has been detailed earlier in this chapter .
24 I favoured a computerised automatic read-out system which would apply all the necessary calibration corrections and instrument errors , convert indicated airspeed and indicated altitude to true airspeed and true altitude , apply wind effect , and ultimately plot out the reconstruction of the flight-path .
25 Labour has condemned proposals to change the state benefits system which would see child benefit payments being replaced by child tax allowances .
26 They did not realise that three years would elapse before Black 's injuries would be sufficiently stabilised to enable them to be measured by his doctors or that there are factors in the functioning of the United Kingdom judicial system which would thwart him from securing justice in the courts .
27 Your country 's leaders have proposed a new security system which would supersede Nato and the Warsaw Pact and use the framework created by the 1975 Helsinki Act .
28 Some might set off from observations like these to construct a formal system which would provide different representations for the different types of non-linguistic referents ( beings or situations or things ) for which , logically , the various phrases could be used in our own or some other possible world .
29 Writing in the latest issue of the Federation 's magazine GAFF , Doherty proposes that the organisation should institute its own honours system which would recognise both anglers and clubs .
30 Reports from earlier in the month said that the electrified fence would be part of an early warning system which would include mines , automatic machine guns and searchlights .
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