Example sentences of "leave [pers pn] with the " in BNC.

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1 The best solution may be to leave them with the society .
2 The question is whether the institutions will adopt the same rather altruistic attitude that they did then now that their income from even the best-performing companies will shrink permanently unless action is taken by the companies to leave them with the same net effect .
3 He was asked politely not to bring the rifle to lectures in future — or at least to leave it with the umbrellas in a corner of the room .
4 Your attitude of reserved dignity will not be resented ; when all arrangements have been completed , the client 's contact will leave them with the respectful regard for your integrity .
5 And all that , or at Betty 's or , what have you , I do n't think she 'd leave them with the mother-in-law
6 So you 're gon na leave me with the dear stool then are you ?
7 If , on the other hand , having read this you 're left with the feeling ‘ so what ’ then let me leave you with the words of two teenagers who frequent similar established alcohol — free projects in England
8 Coming up next here on Radio Oxford is the six o'clock news , but we 'll leave you with the best moment this afternoon here on Radio Oxford .
9 Can I leave him with the
10 Not only is he generally responsible for the system but he also receives all appeals from refusals of permission , and has the power to call in any application for decision by himself rather than leave it with the district council .
11 I said that if she would leave it with the bill at her hall-porter 's desk , she could trust me to take it and leave the money without attempting to see her .
12 However , this does leave us with the unanswered question of the extent to which schools reflect social practices and the extent to which they shape them .
13 So it was , I assume , that he felt immediately able to talk to me in a businesslike and trusting way , and by the end of our meeting , he had left me with the administration of a not inconsiderable sum to meet the costs of a wide range of preparations for his coming residency .
14 My dealings with the café owner have left me with the impression that he has got to breaking point with the number of canoeists being attracted to the Fairy Glen and has singled out a canoeist who happens to drive a red Escort van and has used this as an excuse for stopping other canoeists when the real reason goes much deeper and in my opinion is linked to financial gain .
15 He had left me with the one who would become the most famous .
16 and er building trade work , both of these things had left me with the qualifications for be abl be able to do it .
17 The leaders of the main parties and the Darlington candidates have left me with the following impressions .
18 Pursuing legal action would have cost them money they did n't have ( unless it meant selling their house which was not an option ) but doing nothing left them with the feeling that justice was n't being done .
19 The car has been written off , which has left them with the prospect of having to pay out for a new vehicle .
20 The novels that have moved me most ( Tillie Olsen 's Yonnondio , F. M. Mayor 's The Rector 's Daughter , Alice Walker 's The Colour Purple ) leave me with the impression that a miracle has happened — a ‘ How could it be done ?
21 The conversation with Rosie had left him with the impression Rain was carrying the keys , and her own deliberately misleading answer that evening had confirmed it .
22 Her common-law husband ( who was never traced ) having left her with the ring from her finger , she went to several alehouses carrying her child and drank 8 glasses of spirits in a fit of depression .
23 Within a few months of its publication the government had launched a huge inquiry into pensions which was to produce a series of changes — including the right of employees changing jobs to either take a pension with them , or leave it with the previous employer and have it uprated in line with the retail price index up to a maximum of 5 per cent .
24 We were told that that is impossible to take a vote because with big organisations like B T and the Post Office one example was to sell off a Girobank there are eight thousand people , but they were just told you can either defer your pension , leave it with the Post Office Pension Fund , transfer it to the Leicester and Alliance who bought Girobank , or take your money out and take up a personal pension scheme .
25 The thief had leapt into the Sierra after Janet had left it with the engine running .
26 What if Ben had left it with the man in Lancaster ?
27 Now , has he not left it with the Parish Council ?
28 You can not turn your back on this issue , and leave us with the responsibility ’ . ’
29 As most of us have to work to earn a living , the short winter days limit our riding considerably and leave us with the choice of riding before or after work in the dark or only at weekends , unless you are lucky enough to have access to an indoor school .
30 It 's not the fat cats we got ta take notice of , who steal the cream and leave us with the sil sour milk even .
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