Example sentences of "life as [pron] know " in BNC.

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1 The constructivist thesis , it is argued , is not relevant because mental representations have not been defined away and replaced by talk of actions : we still have to say how mental life as we know it to be , with the representational character that we naturally give to it , relates to neuronal life .
2 A more qualified response might be , yes , in various ways which collectively have shaped musical life as we know it .
3 It 's the end of life as we know it .
4 However , it is time to take a more positive view , and to look at the way early organisms began to combine energy from the sun with gases in the atmosphere and in so doing enabled life as we know it to evolve .
5 Without the oxygen produced from water by green plants , life as we know it on this planet would be impossible .
6 It makes up 70–80 per cent of the bodies of all living things — and life as we know it would be impossible without it .
7 HOO HAH BOYS : A strange tribe of people from the south of Ireland who have no interest in the concept of life as we know it but instead tend to live out their winters bushing it ( See : BUSHING ) behind the Carlini factory and spend their summers drinking their way across Europe .
8 Could ‘ Life As We Know It ’ Exist ? '
9 We can thus describe any lifeform based on the carbon-water-oxygen triangle as ‘ life as we know it ’ ; the expression can be taken to embrace also the anaerobic bacteria .
10 Silicon-based life would have to be very different from ‘ life as we know it ’ ; to take just a single example , whereas we exhale carbon dioxide , an oxygen-oriented silicon lifeform would perforce have to exhale silicon dioxide ( silica ) — a painful experience !
11 The circumstances in such layers would favour the emergence of ‘ life as we know it ’ .
12 This temporary retreat may bring the immediate refreshment of change or it may widen our horizons either by romantic hyperbole or by an unexpected psychological authenticity close to the reality of life as we know it .
13 They represent , in Russell 's colourful phrase , the realm of " logical fictions " , and while the life as we know it obviously would be inconceivable without great many of such " fictions " ( they include , among other things , all the spatio-temporal objects of our everyday experience ) , there are a large number of others which are neither very useful nor indispensable and should be carefully guarded against if we are not to end up with an ontology crowded with all sorts of phoney entities .
14 The presence of carbon is the most interesting aspect of the carbonaceous chondrites , because life as we know it is based on carbon chemistry .
15 The ability to laugh at themselves was never more evident as the three took their audience on a comic tour of Jewish life as we know it today with a smattering of politics , anti-semitism and Zionism thrown in for good measure .
16 The main characters in the books become increasingly aware of how the society they live in is destroying life as we know it now .
17 It has certainly been around for a hundred years , and it is probably the most vital of aspect of life as we know it today .
18 I wondered , to quote a phrase used by Greg fifteen years before , was this going to be ‘ the end of family life as I knew it ’ ?
19 ‘ It will be the end of family life as I know it , ’ he said , which of course it was .
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