Example sentences of "work in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For example , many people at the Royal Brompton and National Heart hospital tell me that some of the special health authorities should be allowed to win new patients and the money that comes with them by being allowed to work in the internal market .
2 To prevent such a sequence of events the church must seek continual spiritual renewal ; deploy a high proportion of its members to work in the external constituency ; in McGavran 's terminology , to turn them into class two leaders and workers , i.e. ‘ members whose energies are primarily directed to serving and evangelising non-Christians in their ministry area in an effort to bring them into the Body of Christ ’ , and to establish new groups and plant new congregations .
3 There is a big difference between the terms that you may be able to negotiate with , say , a US company seeking to recruit you to work in the Middle East and those offered by , say , a West German company offering a job at their headquarters , for which you are competing with a West German national .
4 I worked him quietly through the autumn , teaching him how to work in the correct outline , maintaining his balance and an even rein contact , progressing to transitions , turns , serpentines and learning about length bend , rhythm and total obedience .
5 Floy remembered what Nuadu Airgetlam had said about the Robemaker taking sacrifice from the ordinary Irish people and putting the sons to work in the Dark Workshops and guessed that the people had simply lost heart .
6 I 've always wanted to work in the Caribbean . ’
7 Implicit in the use of direct observation was the need to work in the outside environment and to bring objects from the outside environment into the classroom .
8 Geographers who want to work in the environmental sciences must be willing to learn the methods of these sciences , lest we lose the respect of our colleagues in such fields .
9 Of the 80 to 90 staff employed in Liverpool and Watford all the 55 directors and senior managers eligible for the relocation package continued to work in the new location and of these 55 , all but three moved to Congleton .
10 Many health policies in Third World countries are based on at least the vocabulary of this approach though the political climate does not always encourage such radical rethinking of health care nor does the training of most health workers prepare them to work in the new ways implied in the PHC philosophy .
11 A feeling began to emerge that the advantages of the new approach might be long- rather than short-term , but the dichotomy between wanting to work in the new way because of its potential advantages and ‘ Are we ever going to get the syllabus done ? ’ continued to be problematic .
12 I just hoped that Tom would feel better about the situation when he came back to work in the New Year .
13 It was better to make it clear right from the start that she preferred to work in the other surgery alone , rather than work together in both village and complex .
14 Vietnam had withdrawn from the organization in 1985 [ see p. 34651 ] following allegations first made in 1981 that thousands of Vietnamese had been sent to work in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe to earn money for the repayment of Vietnamese government debts [ see pp. 31592-93 ; 32675 ] .
15 Some used this expertise to work in the private sector as consultants advising on urban policy ; in one case a firm that employed no Black people was selected for its ‘ inner city expertise ’ to evaluate the Handsworth Task Force in inner Birmingham which it had previously also been paid to advise but which was now being shut down to make room for a newly fashionable Urban Development Corporation , this time in the Birmingham Heartlands ( sic ) .
16 There are local government officers who are engaged in management buy-outs and others who decide to work in the private sector and pretend that they can deliver services better while being paid more than in the public sector .
17 The wage agreement produced some drift back to work in the following days , but the strike held steady in the Kuzbass , Donbass and Vorkuta .
18 Macgregor 's unit returned to mapping in northeast Scotland and continued to work in the Central Coalfield .
19 But who 'd want to work in the small labs if the more exciting stuff went elsewhere ? "
20 In fact my whole being was permeated by the leaden-armed pervading weakness one feels when forced to work in the small hours .
21 For instance , Nam Tran , who presents the Saturday television programme , used to work in the American embassy ; her husband was a pilot in the Vietnamese air force .
22 Returning briefly to Dublin , she next went to Rome and Athens to do more studying before coming to work in the British Museum , and going to live in Knutsford , Cheshire , where she did her greatest work , the bust of Archbishop Alexander , Primate of All Ireland , which stands today in Armagh Cathedral .
23 Almost 1 million people will be helped back to work in the coming year by employment and training programmes .
24 Second , many informals continue to work in the formal sector for several months at a time .
25 I am aware of agency nurses who have turned up at a hospital expecting to work on a ward caring for elderly people , only to be sent to work in the intensive care unit .
26 Down was one of the outstanding medical students of his generation , and his decision to work in the neglected and perhaps despised field of mental deficiency was courageous .
27 One of the consequences of the difficult situation in schools and the low pay was that many teachers left the profession , even to work in the informal labour sector , and some moved to other countries .
28 In recent years , research at Oxford has focused on how the planning system has been put to work in the past decade .
29 It was true that it was very hard to work in the public baths .
30 Who can not the price also be to guarantee the future pension rights of the workers who happen to work in the public company ?
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