Example sentences of "work [adv] [prep] two " in BNC.

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1 There were no photocopying machines in those days so from the day the collection was shown the sketchers had to work frantically for two or three weeks afterwards from about eight to midnight drawing models for all the clients .
2 The turning point in our campaign came in 1987 when the Easthall Residents Association ( ERA ) and our allies worked together on two unique initiatives — the Heatfest Housing Project and ‘ Housing makes you Sick ’ — the largest fully independent survey into housing and health ever carried out in Britain .
3 In the post-war years , Karajan worked extensively with two of the world 's most enterprising record producers , Walter Legge and John Culshaw .
4 This worked well for two reasons in my opinion :
5 All in all she worked solidly for two hours , and it was a relief when she was finally free to take an official coffee break .
6 This strategy has worked well for two years , reducing delays suffered by our passengers .
7 In a business where fees are usually paid on a success only , rather than an hourly , basis , this may come a bit hard to people who have worked hard for two or three months on a deal only to see it fall at the last hurdle .
8 But now EMI has been accused of exploiting its workforce — in particular , by deliberately sacking casual staff before they 've worked there for two years , thereby depriving them of statutory redundancy pay and other employment rights .
9 Stephen and he had worked closely for two years now , but there was no question of the men sharing a social relationship , as she and Stephen did with James and Elaine .
10 Geraci looked warily at the folder Zen was holding up , his eyebrows working away like two caterpillars doing a mating dance .
11 Since our return , Holmes had been working hard on two other cases , and he had been too busy to discuss the Baskerville case .
12 Working closely with two medical co-ordinators and a training officer , she supervises Cornwall 's child protection procedures .
13 In particular , the case study shows how the college is working closely with two local schools , St Ninian 's High School and Woodfarm High School .
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