Example sentences of "work [prep] new [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The art seems to have died out in Crete altogether , yet mysteriously reappeared in Mycenae in the thirteenth century BC ; Sinclair Hood ( 1978 ) has suggested that after the conquest of Minoan Crete by Myceneans , the finest craftsmen may have been taken by force to the mainland and made to work for new masters .
2 According to Noorda , Novell also feels it has a role to play in unifying the industry ; currently there are ‘ too many Unixes ’ says Noorda , and he hopes to work with Novell 's OEM customers in both joint marketing efforts of the current Unix Labs software line and development of specific hardware to work with new products .
3 As PNP progressed , we came across many examples of collaborations which were clearly working well and which had liberated staff to work in new ways , to increase their understanding and skill , and to attend more closely to the needs of particular groups and individuals .
4 Stan was running a business and needed funds to buy stock and time to work on new finds .
5 A new company , Paravent , which specialises only in screens , has commissioned several artists to work on new pieces , while Liberty , which is always interested in the work of new and interesting designers is holding an exhibition ( from 6 to 22 September ) , of its own specially commissioned screens made by different artists working in many different media and styles .
6 In 1989 it was planned that doctors would have to work to new contracts , under which their pay would be more clearly related to the number of patients .
7 Soon the place was alive with their busy whirr as Leonie and one of her friends stitched samples ; to their accompaniment Hugo worked on new designs .
8 We will gain further market share by promoting the unique Wimpol package of services to new market sectors and by working in new locations in those regions .
9 No restrictions were made on entries , but positive encouragement was given to artists ‘ working in new ways ’ .
10 There is talk now of the German orchestras working to new contracts .
11 Currently working on new tracks with ace mixer Cutmaster Swift , TSD-1 had better start stocking up on coffins for the sucker MCs — he 's gon na need ‘ em .
12 We 're constantly working on new ways to excite you !
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