Example sentences of "work [prep] that [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I have set out our determination to work for that agreement and the principles on which the agreement will need to be based .
2 ‘ We recruit people who can identify with our high standards , all staff are recruited with the specific client in mind and continue to work for that client only .
3 In accordance with legislation in force at the time of adoption of the Savings Related Share Option Scheme in 1990 the Rules provide that employees may exercise their options on reaching state pension age , even if they continue to work after that date .
4 I have worked towards that and will continue to work towards that policy , which is our union .
5 Was it , in other words , to adopt a tactic which , however successful in securing the advance of a particular sector at a particular period , would tend to work against that realisation ?
6 I do n't think I 'd like to work under that pressure .
7 I why do I have to work with that grid ?
8 But I I really like to work with that lot , because the advert would be so funny .
9 Since then , through third parties , two opportunities have come my way to work with that celebrity .
10 People could see why I wanted to work in that way and did what they could to make it possible .
11 Apart from these five officials , the other members of the political executive committee were to work in that body alongside their regular jobs .
12 The fact that I should think this , and thought this at the time when I was one of the leaders of the movement campaigning for the ordination of women , brings it home to me how difficult it was for me to work within that movement .
13 For clients of the services for mentally ill people , protection of conditions of employment to work toward that outcome is important .
14 Except I think just to emphasize one or two minor issues but the savings from last year , that was the underspendings from ninety two ninety three were , as you recall last year er used to support this year 's budget er those savings underspending are no longer available and therefore have been taken out of the consideration The staff costs for T S G schemes that are mentioned at the bottom of page five erm , the programme this year which is actually listed over the page at table two does erm indicate that erm we are now contemplating link road and bypass next year and staff available are needed to complete that work or fortunately we 've been able to secure a start on which enables some of the staff to be transferred to work on that scheme .
15 No he said she 's gone to work on that bike .
16 The teacher 's business is to induce learning and the techniques that are used have to work to that end .
17 ‘ Its success can only be ensured by a maximum effort from all those willing and able to work to that end .
18 To work at that speed we ca n't even drink a cup of tea .
19 Tell me something of the hours you used to work at that time .
20 Of course , we had to walk to work at that time o' day .
21 there 's no way you can work for that sort of price
22 The fact that it sometimes did not work after that operation was incidental .
23 Manipulation occurs when the attempt to influence events and the objectives of that attempt are both concealed ; for example , filtering important information deliberately , conveying false information , claiming expertise when none exists ( ‘ I have been to Brazil and it wo n't work in that culture ’ ) .
24 In the end they will have to give way to a Government who will not work in that way .
25 Must I go and work in that shop ?
26 But he do n't know what time they got there cos he do n't work in that warehouse .
27 You 'll work in that place and what , are yous are .
28 I know you did and nobody can work on here , and wo n't work on that bit
29 I did n't work on that side actually Rod .
30 But I wanted Black Francis to come in and work on that track .
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