Example sentences of "work [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He will not , though , be able to work off the remaining seven games until he joins a new club .
2 Frenzied attempts to work off the festive flab can lead to muscle and tendon injuries as people try to do too much too quickly .
3 It is this bracing action which allows the legs to work during the forward swing .
4 When you plan your programme , start with the social and personal free time for shopping or relaxation that the participants ought to have to encourage their brains to work during the meaty sessions .
5 Illness forced his resignation , but having recovered his health , Cilby resumed work , founding missions in Birmingham , Somerset and Cornwall before going abroad to work for the deaf and dumb in South Africa and in the West Indies .
6 She worked in the Paris office of the New York Herald Tribune for a while and later she went to Switzerland to work for the International Labour Office of the United Nations .
7 It happened to work for the two of us , we were lucky .
8 The whole thing was designed to smoke out double agents , to make sure you had n't gone over and started to work for the other side .
9 True , they would have had a stronger showing had not their former prime minister , Lothar de Maizière , stepped down before the election amid charges ( which he denies , and which an inquiry looks set to discuss ) that he used to work for the former East German secret police .
10 He 's come to this country to work for the former England star , Mike Burton , who runs a local sports agency .
11 However , if the reason for the closure is that your employer has transferred his business to someone else , there may be no dismissal because you have been automatically transferred to work for the new owner ( see below ) .
12 The Prussians were horrified to learn that in Pomerania and Danzig the surviving Polish nobility were reluctant to work for the new authorities and much preferred to lease out their estates to tenant farmers while they lived off the income in Warsaw .
13 One has transferred to the communications department and all were offered the opportunity to work for the new contract firm .
14 That , in war and in peace , you will strive , with your prayers and with what material aid you can summon , to work for the sole weal of Scotia ?
15 Am I glad we came out to work for the entire season , Rosie !
16 A woman who has recovered from a stroke or head injury may decide she would like to work for the first time , as part of the challenge of overcoming her illness .
17 If he was the sole breadwinner , you may have to go out to work for the first time .
18 It was fear of the Soviet military threat which led many US administrations to work for the political unification of Europe — a process in many ways inimical to their own interests — and to urge the United Kingdom to play her part .
19 It was to work for the complete organisation of all ship , dock and river workers in order to raise their wages and improve their working conditions .
20 I 'm in a position to defeat stereotypes , to work for the greater good for women who do n't enjoy the privileges that I have . ’
21 Men are in voluntarily unemployed if , in the event of a small rise in the price of wage-goods relatively to the money-wage , both the aggregate supply of labour willing to work for the current money-wage and the aggregate demand for it at that wage would be greater than the existing volume of employment .
22 We will continue to work for the profitable and sustainable future of our fishing fleet .
23 ‘ I was so keen to work for the Labour Party , ’ he says .
24 The incentives to seek and follow advice , to think long-term rather than short , and to work for the best results at 16+ are all clearly set out .
25 Although Fair Isle is officially part of Shetland , and I had been a keen birdwatcher since I was a boy , I had never had the opportunity to visit the island until I had started to work for the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds .
26 My sights were wide-ranging " I 'd like to work for the Daily Mirror or the Telegraph , " I informed my friends , as I sank a pint in the way I 'd seen the big-boys do at the time of the by-election .
27 In 1958 she was invited to work for the Gulbenkian Foundation where , as Director of Music she initiated an ambitious programme of activities , including the formation of the Gulbenkian orchestra , choir and ballet company .
28 Mark West , 26 , of St James ' Close has been appointed to work for the British Embassy , in Ankara , Turkey .
29 The officer said people should lose their sectional interests , should learn to accept orders and to work for the common good .
30 In this tradition the state is perceived as the vehicle by which the unity of the nation should be achieved in order to work for the common good .
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