Example sentences of "work [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Since young managers can not expect to be rewarded for good short-term performances , there is less incentive to work for short-term results at the expense of longer-term benefits .
2 They are Chinese , family-run empires whose aged founders remain at the helm , creating inevitable speculation about succession squabbles and , more importantly , about whether such a style of management will continue to work for billion-dollar conglomerates with international ambitions .
3 The art seems to have died out in Crete altogether , yet mysteriously reappeared in Mycenae in the thirteenth century BC ; Sinclair Hood ( 1978 ) has suggested that after the conquest of Minoan Crete by Myceneans , the finest craftsmen may have been taken by force to the mainland and made to work for new masters .
4 However , it tends to work for other companies rather than their own , although — not unnaturally — they make use of it .
5 ‘ They are characterized by low boredom thresholds and an inability to work for other people , ’ thought Sir John Hoskyns .
6 Alex Cockburn , later to work for Black Dwarf and 7 Days before decamping to the States and a 1970s career on Village Voice , provided a somewhat withdrawn interview with the New Statesman 's then right-wing socialist editor Paul Johnson .
7 Later in India and Africa , entire villages were rounded up and forced to work for minimal wages set by foreign officials .
8 Maybe he thinks being a Sergeant in the Engineers makes him too good to work for ordinary folk .
9 Its unique contribution to the community should be recognized — which incidentally would help to raise its status — so that no mother of under-fives should have to go out to work for financial reasons .
10 ‘ He said I did n't need to work for financial reasons and how could I leave the children ?
11 While I appreciate that some married mothers do need to work for financial reasons , there are many who do n't .
12 These muscles have the function of keeping us upright against the ever-present force of gravity ; they have the advantage of never tiring as they need to work for long periods at a time .
13 You will need to be able to work for long periods with a high degree of accuracy , and have really good eyesight .
14 Another important attribute is the ability to work for long periods almost independently and not feel alienated but , on the other hand , also be able to integrate with the team .
15 He is a widower , with no family and few interests outside the hotel : as a result , he is prepared to work for long hours and generally acts as night porter during the week .
16 Such a tax is seen as having lower disincentive effects than an income tax because it relates to past effort ; i.e. there is no disincentive effect to work for additional income that is to be consumed .
17 I was to work for smelly Perkins for a whole week .
18 Cos she used to work for Green Leaves was it ?
19 " Young as I was " , he wrote later , " I had a feeling that I was destined to work for big changes and improvements in the lives of men of the sea " .
20 Most of the 5,000 graduates each year in Northern Ireland choose to work for large firms , for the public sector , or enter the professions .
21 Nick warmed up his caddie career from 1971 to 1974 carrying Archer 's bag , and then moved on to work for Australian Bruce Crampton until 1977 , when he moved on to another Australian , Graham Marsh .
22 Likewise , people from industry come to the department to work for short periods .
23 As a result of the requests we receive from employees , we are aware that many of you give up your own time to work for charitable organisations .
24 Previously she used to work for British Telecom in tele-marketing .
25 In the early 1930's , both the Buckau and the Barbara had their rotors taken off and they went back to work as ordinary motor vessels .
26 We are extremely fortunate that has agreed to continue to work as part-time Secretary to the Society and she will be there to deal personally with any Q.T 's queries etc on those days .
27 This scheme is only one example of an increasing number of measures designed to attract women into and back to work as demographic changes show a decreasing number of people entering the workforce .
28 At the non-advanced level , four main types of full-time course are available : the Ordinary National Diploma ( OND ) , a three-year sandwich course in general agricultural subjects , designed to meet the needs of the ‘ technician ’ ; the National Certificate , a one-year course for those intending to work as practical farmers , growers , or farm secretaries ; College Award courses which vary in length and in standard and are often of a specialist nature such as flower-growing or farm secretarial work ; and BEC Diploma courses which are being introduced by a small number of colleges .
29 The wealthier survived because they had control of tracts of good land , but the poorer villagers had to sell the little land they had , to pay off debts and were compelled to work as landless labourers for the rich .
30 Others relied on informal feedback such as , ‘ many of our house officers want to return here to work as senior house officers . ’
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