Example sentences of "part [prep] the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 During the past year we have continued to play a full part for the UK government in the international research effort which pursues nuclear fusion as a long term energy option .
2 The TNCs control research and production of new seed varieties and , as many studies have argued , the so-called Green Revolution was managed in large part through the TNCs and ended up benefiting the rich farmer and merchant classes , and increasing the poverty of the rural masses .
3 It is a most important and valuable part of' the F-Plan programme , so do include it .
4 In the Civil War the Red Army had blocked off the northern part of the Ukraine from the hungry south and commandeered the crops from the north for Great-Russian cities .
5 Now we travelled the best part of the Ukraine and we also dipped into and er we were there about a month , just under a month , and erm one of the impressions that I got there , just as an ordinary chap , no , not learned politically so I ca n't speak on the level er of most of your callers today , but er , I realise that here you had er people , in actual fact my my comment was the country 's half finished , everywhere you went there were building constructions so far incomplete , er projects underway and you 've got the impression that they did need communism in a way to make the thing work er , the er , let's take the Ukrainians , I mean that , that 's where the Cossacks come from and they love a good time , er those sort of people in a way need a strong government .
6 Multiprocessing on the desktop is part of the Hewlett ‘ balancing act ’
7 This is the best known part of Lochaber and indeed probably the best known part of the Highlands , familiar to most visitors to Scotland , featured in ballads and too often in newspaper headlines , a Mecca for adventurers and everywhere displaying spectacular scenery on a grand scale .
8 The move by the LECs , part of the Highlands and Islands Enterprise network , aims to create new jobs in areas recently worst hit by the downturn in oil fabrication work .
9 Eighteen acres of meadowland , part of the Somerset Levels , is at stake .
10 The LM curve shifts to the right , as shown , but the intersection of the horizontal part of the LM curve with the IS curve is unchanged .
11 The Wehrmachtfahrkahrte was issued it Mistelback to Wien Ost on the 26th November 1938 , on what was once the Austrian State Railways , by then part of the DR .
12 Under this Mrs Thatcher and Dr FitzGerald agreed that Northern Ireland would remain a part of the United Kingdom according to the wishes of its majority , but that ministers from Britain and the Republic would meet regularly to review political and security aspects .
13 By accepting the jurisdiction of an external authority in domestic matters , the UK in effect converted her responsibility for the external relations of the Isle of Man into a total responsibility for its internal affairs , and abrogated by a sidewind the semi-independence of the Islands , which are under the Crown but not part of the United Kingdom .
14 The only part of the United States in which he seems to take a consistent interest is Brooklyn .
15 The one thing the government wo n't even try is to treat the Province as an integral part of the United Kingdom .
16 We believe strongly that we should go on working together in full partnership in a Union that has served every part of the United Kingdom well .
17 We have upheld our pledge that Northern Ireland will remain an integral part of the United Kingdom in accordance with the democratically expressed wishes of the majority of the people who live there .
18 In 1829 in Cork ( it must be remembered that Ireland was still part of the United Kingdom then ) a sergeant in the 21st Fusiliers was charged with the brutal assault and rape of a deaf girl without speech , Mary Brien , who was uneducated .
19 Should it be desired to alter this state of affairs , there would be many who would assert that the change could not be made without the consent of the part of the United Kingdom affected , however it were to be expressed .
20 Many people do not realise that the ancient bailiwicks of Jersey and Guernsey are not actually part of the United Kingdom , though they have chosen to be part of its air traffic control and aviation legislation systems .
21 They gave even better against the paramilitary organisations and political groupings of the majority British population which is as instinctively law-abiding as that of any other part of the United Kingdom and probably even quicker to disassociate itself from senseless or politically motivated violence .
22 Now , it was renamed Deseret , and was only technically a part of the United States of America .
23 If a more formal system of appraisal is adopted ( as has happened in some part of the United States ) to evaluate teachers throughout their career , certain significant problems will need to be resolved .
24 The Shetland Islands , the most northerly part of the United Kingdom at sixty degrees north , lie well south the true Arctic , but still far enough north that in midsummer the sun only sets for an hour or two .
25 The Isle of Man in the Irish Sea and the Channel Islands between Great Britain and France are largely self-governing ; they are not part of the United Kingdom .
26 By 1970 proposals for reorganising the structure of local government had been suggested for every part of the United Kingdom ; but only in London had the changes been introduced .
27 If service is to be effected in another part of the United Kingdom , the Isle of Man , the Channel Islands , the Republic of Ireland , a colony , or an independent Commonwealth country , official assistance is not available and service must be effected by the plaintiff or his agent ;
28 Under section 25 of the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 , the High Court has power to grant interim relief where proceedings have been or are to be commenced in another Contracting State to the Brussels Convention or in another part of the United Kingdom , or where there are or will be any other proceedings within the scope of the 1968 Convention even if that Convention does not directly apply .
29 proceedings have been or are to be commenced in a Contracting State other than the United Kingdom or in a part of the United Kingdom other than that in which the High Court in question exercises jurisdiction ; and
30 This obviously requires the attendance of the witnesses at the trial , and a subpoena may be issued to compel the attendance of those who are within the jurisdiction or in some other part of the United Kingdom .
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