Example sentences of "part [prep] [noun] ' " in BNC.

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1 Sir David Alliance , Coats chairman , said the sales were part of Coats ' continuing policy of disposing of peripheral activities that do not fit in the long term strategy of the group .
2 It is part of teachers ' daily experience .
3 As I have already suggested , transmission styles are much more widespread than this , though : so familiar a part of teachers ' experience , in fact , that their practice quickly becomes a matter of habit and routine , of taken-for-granted competence , not strategic choice .
4 Some part of NBFIs ' purchase of company securities in 1986 , therefore , should be regarded as a contribution to public sector financing .
5 Shares and warrants should be reported as part of shareholders ' funds .
6 ANOTHER MAJOR PART OF FIBRES ' business is its carpet materials .
7 The second part of Jesus ' answer was a quotation from the book of Leviticus ( 19:18 ) :
8 The allocations of SDRs by the IMF have been very limited , ( no new issues since 1981 ) and consequently SDRs are only a small part of countries ' reserves .
9 Evidence of disparity on the part of magistrates ' courts was provided by a Home Office study ( Tarling and Weatheritt , 1979 ; but see also Hood , 1962 , 1972 ; Tarling et al. , 1995 ) of 30 large courts selected at random .
10 These settlements can still be attractive , and the larger part of authorities ' stock can therefore remain unprotected .
11 The programme of workshops linked to shows is a central part of Pegasus ' work .
12 As well as operating on behalf of industrial concerns , part of EFS ' everyday operations are for Europ-Assistance the International holiday insurance company .
13 The main part of Residents ' Association case is that the amount of relief afforded by any western relief road , does not justify the environmental damage which that road will cause .
14 Expansion has been a major part of Lyles ' recent history but still the pace of change does not let up .
15 Given that a large part of Sears ' business lies in the fashion area , responsiveness to the whim of the customer is particularly critical .
16 Such an aggregate will only equal the value of total output if those goods which are produced but not sold are also included — this item , which is called ‘ net changes in stocks and work in progress ’ , is normally counted as part of firms ' investment spending ( which is logical since such goods are for future rather than current consumption ) .
17 The aquarium fish form only a part of Chris ' hobby .
18 Control of Boiotia , and the central Greek land empire generally , was lost to Athens in 446 as part of Pericles ' deal with Pleistoanax .
19 Community responsibility has been an important part of Guinness ' corporate philosophy since the eighteenth century .
20 On another it is an exploration into how an abused child becomes an abuser — and the novel draws its painful resonance from the fact that this theme is part of Banks ' own experience : ‘ Alcoholism , domestic violence and abandonment , those are the three essential characteristics of my early family life , ’ he says .
21 Quite something to witness , and often not part of feminists ' vocabulary .
22 As part of Illinois ' month-long celebration of French culture , science and trade , the Art Institute of Chicago is giving Patrick Tosani his first U.S. solo show ( until 19 July ) .
23 Care management practice , which has been mentioned earlier , is so fundamental to good community care and such a key part of Griffiths ' and the government 's proposals that a further word about it is necessary here .
24 The fact that Mains realised his image was changing , or had needed to be changed , will become a key part of Mains ' progress in the hottest seat in New Zealand rugby .
25 This makes it difficult to tell whether HP and other retail credit , as a part of consumers ' overall spending , is now increasing or declining .
26 As part of Siemens ' R/3 Live package , clients are offered a full business analysis and feasibility study on the basis of which a fixed fee is then agreed for system implementation .
27 As part of Siemens ' R/3 Live package , clients are offered a full business analysis and feasibility study on the basis of which a fixed fee is then agreed for system implementation .
28 Opportunities to study for recognised qualifications through sponsored schemes are becoming an indispensable part of organisations ' management development programmes and an invaluable means of recruiting and retaining highly-qualified and motivated staff .
29 But despite being a household name , pools is the most secretive part of Littlewoods ' business .
30 Lord Denning said that it should be limited to the mail order business only because Harris ' contract was at all relevant times with the mail order part of Littlewoods ' business .
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