Example sentences of "mean more to [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Like a fool , I thought Sam 's safety meant more to him than those bloody royalties .
2 Lewis never forgot that the military chain of command replicates the social scale , and the issues of the class war meant more to him than those of the fighting war .
3 He was putting her away from him , because in the end Rebecca was vulnerable , and she meant more to him than anyone else .
4 Mavis and Walter , pretending ‘ their horse 's welfare meant more to them than eating ’ , set off up the train to eat in the racegoers ' dining car , and so did Angelica , ‘ too upset to sit down ’ .
5 With Gary she enjoyed a relationship she had never experienced with anyone else — the easy-going friendship of a male who made no demands whatever on her — and it meant more to her than she had realised .
6 I suddenly had the feeling Eduardo meant more to her than anyone else in her life , even her husband .
7 She had found a man who meant more to her than anything in the world and he was of another world , as he had told her .
8 His gratitude — and the kiss — meant more to her than she would ever have admitted to anyone .
9 She always felt that Miss Hatherby meant more to you than she did . ’
10 To show enthusiasm for a glance with them through the pages of old photograph albums , can often give immense pleasure ; and half an hour spent like this can mean more to them than a whole evening of television , for they are warmed by memories of happier days .
11 ‘ Nothing means more to me than to be here with this bunch of guys and bring the Cup back where it should be . ’
12 ‘ Competing in the Olympic Games means more to me than anything else , ’ she says , ‘ except perhaps the dream of winning Wimbledon .
13 Self-respect means more to me than mere money — ’
14 ‘ Some say I 'm a dour type of person , and maybe I am at times , but nothing means more to me than winning .
15 Now , in the age of AIDS , porn means more to us than ever before .
16 Other women ceased to exist for Edouard ; he gently terminated his affair with Clara Delluc , and Isobel , knowing this woman had meant more to him than any of the others , asked if she might meet her ; she did , and the two women became friends .
17 He had sounded immensely sad as he spoke , and I wondered if the girl had meant more to him than being merely a casual friend , but I did not like to ask and Maggovertski was clearly disinclined to explain more , so I just stared down at the aerial chart , and I suddenly noticed , in an otherwise empty space beneath an intersection of two air corridors , the tiny island of Murder Cay .
18 But I do think Tom 's animals have always meant more to him than people .
19 During this month I led the life for which I had always yearned hunting big game on my own in the wilds of Africa ; but now I realized that this expedition had meant more to me than just the excitement of hunting .
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