Example sentences of "become for a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The appeal of St James , and his influence , became for a space immense ; his cockle shell a great mark of prestige and spiritual hope worn by successful pilgrims , or those who wished to be thought so , for centuries to come .
2 Rye stood out from most other towns in that it became for a while a Puritan ‘ Common Wealth ’ , a centre of social experiment and rigorous public morality under its two vicars , Joseph Beeton and his successor John Allen .
3 Before long , however , the euphoria and hope turned to terror and tyranny , and first under the Committee of Public Safety and the Triumvirate , and then led by the Corsican dictator Napoleon , France became for a time , a threat to every nation in Europe .
4 His chief undertaking , Fowey Consols , became for a time the second largest producer in Cornwall .
5 Indeed , this became for a time a veritable obsession , giving rise in some academic circles to the idea of a whole new field of study , to be called ‘ psephology ’ , and in the lower reaches of political communication to the massive television coverage of national elections , in which precise calculations of ‘ swings ’ from one party to another and predictions of the eventual outcome of the electoral contest tended to overshadow any serious discussion of the substance of political conflicts .
6 But all instances share one characteristic : the author 's words become for a time the transmitters of other voices , voices that come from inside someone else 's head .
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