Example sentences of "become the national [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The church which Kinloch also provided has in its churchyard a flagstaff from which permanently flies the saltire or St Andrew 's cross , floodlit at night , recalling the vision of a white cross against blue sky which supposedly inspired combined Pictish and Scottish forces to victory against the invading King Athelstan and later became the national flag .
2 It became the National Arboretum for Northern Ireland .
3 Versions of the recently introduced song God Save Great George Our King were now heard on all sides ; a little later the text was finalised and it became the national anthem .
4 Not surprisingly the impetus for what became the National Council of Evangelical Free Churches ( normally called the National Free Church Council ) came from a Congregationalist , J. Guinness Rogers .
5 The Council for Civil Liberty , which later became the National Council for Civil Liberty , fulfilled much the same function for mainly middle-class people interested in this subject , and worried by the threat made by fascism to cherished freedoms .
6 Ten years later , it became the National Institute of Arthritis , Diabetes , Digestive and Kidney Diseases .
7 Whether then Berlin became the national capital would be a matter for the German people to decide .
8 The re-establishment of the Irish language as the first official language of the state became the national policy of the Irish government under de Valera and has only toned down in recent years .
9 President , I would take this opportunity on behalf of the region to condra sorry , congratulate Nigel on the excellent work that he has done since becoming the National Health and Safety Officer .
10 Who would have thought , for example , that the University of Colorado , where the students wear tie-dye and ask in hushed tones if you would like more salad , would become the national college football champion ?
11 It is always hoped that the point-to-pointers of today will become the National Hunt stars of tomorrow , but young horses will learn nothing if they are subjected to a bumping match every time they run .
12 ‘ This will become the national homeland of the Jews . ’
13 Okay the video 's called Electric Ecology it was actually produced by er the Cen er Central Electricity Generating Board which does n't actually now exist it 's become the National Power and Nuclear Electric has n't it ?
14 Shortly before the introduction of the national curriculum , the percentages of time actually spent by the average secondary fourth and fifth year child in England on what were to become the national curriculum subjects ( see below ) of the 1988 Act , or their nearest equivalents , were as shown in Figure 10.1 .
15 The Rosary was recited and later Bernard Connelly , the organiser , told the story of Walsingham and the generosity of Charlotte Boyd , re-establishing the Slipper Chapel to become the national Shrine of Our Lady .
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