Example sentences of "become know [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Physical exercise is becoming known as a valuable tool in treating depression , and if you find that hard to believe just try forcing yourself into a vigorous half hour 's sport , jogging or even just a brisk walk next time you feel low , and note the lift in your mood afterwards .
2 In January 1915 a shell struck the base of the dome , toppling the fifteen-foot-high statue which hung horizontally above the town until 1918 , becoming known as The Leaning Virgin .
3 Six hundred people in the business coughed up £2 10s 0d each , thereby becoming known as the Noble Six Hundred ; subsequent donations and the proceeds of Royal Variety performances meant that a nursing wing was added two years ago , and today there are 36 residents with a staff of 60 to look after them .
4 Altogether , Glasgow provided 26 battalions , like the 15th , 16th , and 17th battallions of the HLI , the latter including many members of the Tramways department , becoming known as the ‘ Tramways Battalion ’ .
5 The area north of Bedford House , which itself was just north of the Green , consisted of orchard and market garden land , so Mr. Carr 's idea led to the area of Bedford Park becoming known as the first Garden Suburb , with three principal architects designing the buildings , Norman Shaw , E.W. Godwin and E.T .
6 In particular , it was feared that London was becoming known as the ‘ vice capital of the World ’ .
7 Last year 's champion Tony McLure is fast becoming known as the Nigel Mansell of the North-East golf circuit .
8 By 1767 his method was becoming known on the European mainland , where it was recommended by Sir John Pringle [ q.v . ] .
9 Clearly , the mill must have been rebuilt on a number of occasions , becoming known from the 1850s as Severn Mill .
10 It would become known as the Aladdin Sane Retirement Tour of Great Britain , comprising over 40 appearances and culminating at Hammersmith Odeon for the famous final concert of June 3 , 1973 , when David announced his ‘ retirement ’ and that he would n't perform live concerts again for a long time — not for two or three years at least .
11 ( From October 1st , 1992 , the Juvenile Court will become known as the Youth Court and will encompass 17-year-olds ) .
12 What was it like ? ’ you grandchildren may ask in the future , for the late eighties in Britain might well become known as the second ‘ Belle Epoque ’ .
13 Daily newspapers are now becoming popular , providing the first phase of what will later become known as the mass media .
14 If I 'd become known as the Man In The Pyjamas , I 'd have to wear those pyjamas for the rest of my life !
15 Full details will become known as the successive subject working groups report , and programmes of study and attainment targets are drawn up .
16 By observing the whole plant — gross and subtle — by listening with their mind as well as perceiving with their sense , nature 's secrets can become known without the need of costly research laboratories .
17 In 1786 the city 's administrative offices were transferred to the Palazzo del Carmagnoli — which instantly became know as the Broletto Nuovissino , the very new Broletto !
18 The former take little account of the latter although much of the HMI 's thinking has become known over the same period i.e. the late 1970s and early 1980s .
19 Over the years I suppose I 've become known as a dotty naturalist but I try to be rational and I think it 's a pity the Greens are n't more practical .
20 By providing welfare benefits , recipients may become less reliant on self-help and more dependent on the state , entering what has become known as a dependency culture or benefit culture .
21 By an extended tour in 1780–2 he had become known as a pianist in Paris , Strasburg , Munich , and Vienna , and in 1802 he was enthusiastically received in St Petersburg .
22 Since growing up in Swinbrook , EV Thompson has become known as a best selling author of historical romances .
23 Paradoxically , in most years the outcome of the Defence budgetary process is under-rather than overspending , and this is not because the accounting officers fear the wrath of Parliament , but because of what has become known as the ‘ Bow-Wave Phenomenon ’ , illustrated in figure 3 .
24 The school is a snapshot of the American West , the great swath of the Plains between the Missouri River and the Rockies that makes up one fifth of continental America but which in the last generation has become known as the Empty Quarter , or the Dying Heart of the US .
25 Spasticity , which comes from the word ‘ spasm ’ , has become known as the common term for the whole range of cerebral palsy handicaps but the three forms are significantly different .
26 This movement has become known as the Renaissance in the English-speaking world , the Rinascimento in Italy .
27 Chlorothiazide is the forerunner of a large class of similar drugs , which have become known as the thiazide diuretics .
28 Several parish and community councils have given themselves the status of a town council , whereupon the chairman of the parish council has become known as the town mayor .
29 The monitoring network has become known as the radioactive incident monitoring network ( RIMNET ) and has , as its prime responsibility , the detection of abnormal increases in radiation levels within the UK of the kind that might arise from an overseas nuclear accident .
30 It turned out that a mathematically-respectable ‘ electroweak ’ theory required three exchange particles for the weak force : two electrically charged particles , W+ and W- , and a third neutral partner which has become known as the Zo .
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