Example sentences of "government 's [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 But at its start there were two great threats : the economic recession and the Thatcher Government 's attitude to nationalised industry spending limits and investment criteria .
2 The first indications of the new 1979 Conservative Government 's attitude to investment became apparent when BR sought approval to build an additional seven HST sets to cope with the first flush of growth following the launch of 125mph services on the East Coast main line the previous year .
3 He said the White Paper failed to indicate the Government 's attitude to the judges ' response to the Green Papers .
4 Speaking his mind about the medical profession , even waging war on the architectural establishment , was a very different matter from denouncing the government 's attitude to pollution .
5 Speaking at a press conference later about the Bonn government 's attitude to accepting existing borders and renouncing any territorial claims , he pointed an accusing figure at Chancellor Helmut Kohl for his recent plan for reunification .
6 According to Ms Li : ‘ Most people are fairly cynical and fairly resigned about the UK Government 's attitude to Hong Kong .
7 I said that I believed it would now be right to give some indication of the Government 's attitude to the building of a tunnel .
8 New Scientist mourned the decay of that Victorian exuberance , the seaside pier , described Eire as a hive of electronic industry and indicated foreboding about the government 's attitude to forking out money for wave power schemes , at the same time laying out all the arguments for and against test-tube babies .
9 If they were to behave sensibly , the railwaymen could count upon public sympathy , for there is widespread unease about the Government 's attitude to the railways .
10 Liffe chief executive Michael Jenkins warns that , in his personal view , the Government 's attitude to Europe is critical : ‘ If we sit on the outside , then it will be difficult for London to retain its position . ’
11 Judith Church , Health and Safety Officer of the Manufacturing , Science and Finance Union summed up the government 's attitude to health and safety as :
12 Mary Warnock provides a scathing analysis of the government 's attitude to higher education when she writes of the contempt that the government has for universities and their staff :
13 Several factors have contributed to this , but the government 's attitude to the unemployed has been the most crucial factor .
14 Mr. Thomas Graham ( Renfrew , West and Inverclyde ) : The new clause offers Scottish people the opportunity to have at least some confidence in the Government 's attitude to the privatisation of the bus service .
15 Magistrates say they 're worried the government 's attitude to cautioning may mean an end to this local initiative .
16 To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what is the Government 's attitude to an international conference on Cyprus early next year .
17 What is the Government 's attitude to Labour 's proposal for a defence diversification agency , bearing in mind that if it were so easy to create jobs through a Government agency , it is surprising that Labour has always left behind more unemployed than when it took office .
18 I am concerned about the Government 's attitude to many things European , and certainly to the whole area of environmental protection .
19 But having 22,000 students milling around my city , I am delighted about the Government 's attitude to student discounts and particularly to the student gap , as it is called — the three months which often used to cause problems under the old community charge arrangements .
20 I hope that the Minister is able to deny newspaper reports about the Government 's attitude to safety .
21 The new government 's attitude to foreign investment was also seen as an important indicator of future economic policy .
22 Godoy 's supporters opposed such a conciliatory stance to the Sandinistas and saw the return of properties to their original owners as a test of the government 's attitude to the private sector .
23 The moves seemed to mark a major change in the government 's attitude to the conflict .
24 ‘ It is difficult to fathom Government 's attitude to orderly potato marketing .
25 But re-shuffle or not , Britain 's Euro-Commissioner , Sir Leon Brittain , says there must be a major overhaul of the Government 's attitude to Europe .
26 The events which led to this began on 30 June 1925 when the coal owners decided that they would abolish the national minimum wage , cut wages by about 10 per cent in order to compensate for the government 's return to the gold standard with a reflated pound , and to maintain standard profits no matter how low wages fell .
27 The Israeli Labour government 's resort to harsh collective punishment tactics reflected its anxiety over a recent increase in guerrilla activities by Palestinian supporters of the Islamic Resistance Movement ( Hamas ) .
28 Timber men doubt the government 's ability to ‘ ensure our forests are not raped , by policing … the new companies . ’
29 In a series of meetings with officials on issues related to the transfer of the colony to China in 1997 , he stressed his government 's committment to strengthening relations between the United Kingdom and China and between Hong Kong and China .
30 The government 's obligation to " Buy Argentine " was suspended by decree on Oct. 9 .
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