Example sentences of "ask [pn reflx] [subord] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He asked himself whether an employee of a company carrying on the business of giving financial advice and of financial management to the public under the regulatory umbrella provided by FIMBRA owes a duty of confidentiality that extends to barring disclosure information to FIMBRA .
2 Tears stung her eyes a moment at the thought of her sister losing her identity ; Jezrael asked herself if the grief was for Ches or selfishly for her own loss .
3 Try and be aware of this as a problem , asking yourself whether the candidate is genuinely not suitable but simply someone who does not fit in with your own picture of yourself .
4 Some things from Neil Young , possibly : the idea of asking yourself whether the song is good enough on acoustic guitar and voice to cut it before you start blowing it out at 125 decibels .
5 Add up that loss and ask yourself whether a few more pounds spent on books to prosecute the purpose that brought you to college will , in later years , make any difference to your funds .
6 Check book dates generally , and ask yourself whether a source may actually be giving you an outdated perspective .
7 Ask yourself whether the other facts are consistent with this explanation , and see whether you can come up with a pattern of events which makes sense in terms of ordinary human nature .
8 We might enter the room and sing our greeting accompanied by a few dance steps , but ask yourself whether the message might not be obliterated by the way our actions would be interpreted .
9 Subdivide each point into simple statements and then ask yourself whether the point will immediately be grasped by someone who knows nothing about the subject .
10 I have implied that the curriculum is Victorian ; even if you do not agree with that , ask yourself if the current approach to school/college mathematics is what the citizens of the early twenty-first century need .
11 They were told by the judge , ’ You knew the risk you ran , you asked yourself if the game was worth the risk and you said yes it was . ’
12 As he spoke , I asked myself whether the next 100 years of British history were to reflect the barren nature of his personality : the answer must be never , never , never .
13 Perhaps it is time to ask ourselves whether the notion of treatment by opposites , which has held the stage for so long , is indeed the false path that Hahnemann considered it to be .
14 Later , she was to ask herself if the decision had made any difference to subsequent events .
15 It can be useful to ask yourself whether the profile that emerges is one that suits the job you are applying for .
16 But you have to ask yourself whether the amount of sound still entering your house warrants such extensive work and cost .
17 So you have to ask yourself if a company consistently advertises products for less than they 're actually selling for — do you want to deal with them at all ?
18 Sociologists who use such documents have to ask themselves whether the evidence therein is authentic , whether it is complete , how representative it is of the experiences described , whether it is distorted by the personal bias of the writer , and why it was written .
19 Should we not ask ourselves whether the adulteress had a bad family upbringing , lacking in love , that she reacts in this way ?
20 The third again focuses directly upon the child but we may sometimes ask ourselves whether the dissonance between child and parents , or child and society at large , is mutual rather than child-centred .
21 Nevertheless , it is , I think , salutary that the judge who is called upon to construe statutory language should ask himself whether the meaning that is urged upon him is one which can fairly be drawn by a person of reasonable intelligence ordinarily conversant with the English language .
22 Under the American Cyanamid decision the court must ask itself whether the plaintiff has shown ( a ) a serious question to be tried and ( b ) that the ‘ balance of convenience ’ is in his favour .
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