Example sentences of "ask [pron] not [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Victoria said , ‘ And why he asked me not to call him uncle in front of you because it made him sound old ! ’
2 He asked me not to misquote him .
3 The thing that 's teasing my mind is that I 'm fairly sure he asked me not to tell anyone he 'd been there . ’
4 It was on one of these occasions that Guy Gibson was ushered into " Cocky's ' presence and , just prior to his appearance , the AOC had given me a slip of paper with the names of about 20 pilots whom he asked me not to recruit — as a favour to him — which was his style .
5 So I fell on my knees and asked them not to punish the child any more .
6 Since the literary works to which Ken devoted himself in the long years which followed his brief episcopate were largely unremarkable and unread , the waste of his inspired and inspiring vocation as a bishop has appeared both to contemporary and subsequent critics exasperating ; for his scruples about swearing the oath of allegiance to William and Mary were so nearly overcome by his friends that he asked them not to continue their arguments lest he succumb .
7 If , for example , you asked someone not to smoke in your presence ( the right to ask others to respond to your needs and wants ) you need to respect their right to have different needs and wants and , much more difficult , their right to say no .
8 As a matter of fact , I nearly asked you not to bring this round .
9 ‘ I asked you not to come , ’ Kopyion said .
10 He had written letters home and to his fiancée with poems asking them not to weep at his grave .
11 When I asked the headmistress of a junior school my daughter had been attending about the racist remarks children at the school had been making her answer was well-meaning and typical : ‘ Asking them to say thank you and please or asking them not to swear is one thing but asking them not to say ‘ nigger ’ or ‘ wog ’ or ‘ black people stink ’ is quite another .
12 The court heard that her husband had become suspicious early last year and had gone to the National Westminster bank asking them not to release any further cheque books .
13 When I asked the headmistress of a junior school my daughter had been attending about the racist remarks children at the school had been making her answer was well-meaning and typical : ‘ Asking them to say thank you and please or asking them not to swear is one thing but asking them not to say ‘ nigger ’ or ‘ wog ’ or ‘ black people stink ’ is quite another .
14 The press could provide little enlightenment because all newspapers had received a D-Notice asking them not to print any details about the background to the case .
15 Indeed , this union had a campaign of sending postcards out to MPs asking them not to vote for the abolition of Wage Councils .
16 Darlington transport committee heard yesterday Mr Drury has to write frequently to parents asking them not to park near the entrance .
17 ‘ I can only go along with you , but I 'm still asking you not to leave until Dana does .
18 The next day she left for Amsterdam , earlier than expected , after asking him not to try to get in touch with her there .
19 Confused , she agreed , and wrote a letter confessing the weakness to a friend outside , asking her not to tell the stonyhearts at Suffragette Headquarters .
20 He asked her not to remember him as a bad man but as someone who had made a mistake .
21 Roman thanked the girl and asked her not to tell Mr Smith he had been asking for him .
22 We promised to keep in touch with her , but asked her not to communicate directly with our new daughter as she grew up , feeling instinctively that a child ca n't cope with having two mothers at once !
23 He said he was sorry and asked her not to contact the emergency services .
24 ‘ I politely asked him not to bully me but that infuriated him .
25 I asked him not to say any more to me , since at that time I represented the Labour Party and felt it quite possible that if he brought any action I would be called upon to act for them .
26 ‘ In the end I asked him not to bet with me anymore because of the size and frequency of his bets . ’
27 Graham asked him not to summon the porter to his office .
28 When we reached the street corner where our ways separated I asked him not to tell anyone .
29 She asked him not to follow her , but he took no notice .
30 If you have to clean a patient 's eyes , take great care and ask them not to move .
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