Example sentences of "area [adv] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As a general rule , the areas wherein the patient 's nursing needs are changing rapidly will require a greater concentration of skilled nursing staff than those where the patient 's health status is stable .
2 Tony Philpin , Pennine Way co-ordinator , said that by tackling all the problem areas simultaneously the project was more cost effective in terms of the bulk purchase of the flags and hiring the helicopters .
3 If the job surveyor is given autonomy in certain areas then the manager must ensure that he has a system of job control which enables him to keep abreast of the progress of the job and be able to compare surveyor and contractor performance in one operation .
4 At the same time it is expensive to cover all areas when the volume of business in some of them is small .
5 And always to areas where the ocean floor dropped dramatically ; great fissures in the rocky crust .
6 One group on low income who will lose out consists of those people living in areas where the poll tax is levied at a higher rate than the Government calculates , and who in consequence will have to meet a 20 per cent poll tax bill that is larger than that calculated by the 20 per cent met by the Government .
7 If not really bad , certain conformational faults need not bar a mare from breeding but it is important to be aware of them in order to make sure the stallion you choose is strong in the areas where the mare is weak .
8 Those areas where the Board of Trade already operated JACs , or were about to do so , were to be excluded from the LEA schemes .
9 Not only were lines built to tap it , not only did almost every station become a distribution centre in all those areas where the fossil fuel was vital for domestic and industrial use , but trains themselves in many countries ran on it .
10 All three were areas where the farmer could be helped by advice and by training .
11 It is also important that the areas where the varnish is being applied are dust-free and that you are not wearing clothes which will shed dust or fibres on to the surface .
12 The viewpoint is somewhat narrow and there are several controversial areas where the presentation is very one-sided .
13 Problems exist in water-logged areas where the soil gas may be affected by the decomposition of organic material .
14 Wood dyes are best applied with a cloth , because if applied with a brush , there will be dark areas where the brush first touches the wood .
15 Many er areas of our church are in areas where the education , educational standards are not as high in other areas , and a lot of the leaflets that we bring out are quite er unable to be understood by many people in these areas .
16 Added to this , there are several areas where the level of resistance to antibiotics among the gonococci makes it extremely difficult to treat .
17 The examples given in Parliament i of areas where the Minister would feel free to intervene — the military implications of power station siting , research policy and the development of rural supplies — were to be only a small part of ministerial initiatives in the evolving relationship between the alternative centres of decision making power enshrined in the Act .
18 They could lead to valuable advances in the whole attitude towards the care of mentally ill people , including areas where the law can not always enter .
19 More accurately , we have witnessed a reaction by increasingly competitive producers to the uneven spatial development of class struggle , resulting in the migration of all types of employment , but especially manufacturing , from areas of high class struggle to areas where the struggle is less developed .
20 In a discussion document published on 11 June the Department of Trade and Industry also sought views on extending this exemption to areas where the auditor 's only relationship with an associate company providing non-audit services to a client is as a trustee .
21 There are , the book argued , many ways of ‘ being at home in the town ’ , with many examples of good practice already visible today in maturing towns ; in densely populated areas with narrow streets ; in ‘ a celebratory way ’ by making a quiet little green island at the opening of a street ; in a new town ; in existing residential areas where the space around the houses and garages is used to make a series of squares and narrowings ; or ‘ in a happy way ’ where flowers and trees are so colourful that parked cars are less intrusive .
22 Four types of areas were created for general practice : designated areas where the size of G.P. lists were the highest through to intermediate and restricted areas where G.P. list sizes were the lowest .
23 Over and above setting a brief for the risk management team to identify , analyse and evaluate all risks that could impact on the balance sheet to a greater extent than , say , five per cent of gross profit , Ure recommends it could also be given the task of tackling risk areas where the organisation suffers continual losses .
24 In some situations , it is more cost effective to use a PR consultancy , especially in areas where the organisation is inexperienced ( e.g. the City or Parliament ) .
25 Those areas where the budget adopted by the House increased spending included education , nutritional assistance , job training and medical care for veterans .
26 Some people live in areas where the water is especially hard and prone to form scum .
27 It is a South American fish , but not from the areas where the water is soft and acid .
28 Mr Gross agreed , and identified three areas where the Institute 's operational guidelines ( s 3.201 of the 1992 Members Handbook , paras 1 , 3 , and 10 ) and JMU 's best practice diverge .
29 In the case of the working class — possibly more than the middle class — the unemployment of families and the depressed economic conditions that prevailed during the inter-war years encouraged the reduction of family size , even though there were still many areas where the birth rate remained high or increased , almost oblivious of the economic conditions .
30 The headings of this document describe the areas where the BDA is active either through its own efforts or by sponsoring , partially funding or otherwise assisting the work of other bodies .
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