Example sentences of "show [pos pn] [noun pl] the " in BNC.

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1 ( They also do this when they bring their owners dead birds from the garden , an action normally done only as part of the food-training routine when mother cats show their kittens the kind of prey they must later attack . )
2 On Monday morning he drove the car to work so that he could show his colleagues the slightly dented bumper .
3 You can then begin afresh and show your classes the latest lines and colours .
4 A week later , 11 June , her column is full of the sculptor tempting her : ‘ You 're only seeing Paris … come and see ‘ Par-ee ’ … leave all these people ’ ( Modigliani delighted in showing his visitors the real Paris ) .
5 The BMC did a good job in showing our visitors The True Path .
6 to show his students the ways by which great art creates its effects , leading them to a finer appreciation and fuller response , and to help them appreciate more fully the authors ' insights , so often deeper than our own [ sic ] , contribute towards our understanding of ourselves , our community , and life itself .
7 Visiting the ruins of Tula in Mexico , Mr Palomar is torn between interpretation and non-interpretation , between the explanations of his knowledgeable friend , who transforms each mysterious stone into ‘ a cosmic tale , an allegory , a moral reflection ’ , and the attitude of the teacher with his little party of schoolchildren who resolutely refuses to speculate on meaning , preferring simply to show his pupils the thing that is there .
8 Teacher : able to show your counterparts the range of possibilities and the no go areas of life .
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