Example sentences of "feel that this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is felt that this approach provides a general procedure having wide applications , instead of producing a very specific " tailor made " system that can only be applied to one company .
2 It was felt that this approach could best be tried out initially in the 1st year undergraduate programme , where a communicatively-based syllabus would give a much-needed new direction to the largely remedial teaching task that lecturers face .
3 I had often felt that this smallholding would be an ideal place to live ; only a mile outside Darrowby , but secluded , and with this heart-lifting vista of river and fell .
4 It was felt that this type of exercise would probably not be repeated for a few years .
5 It was felt that this unit had not met the expectations of the department heads , and some improvements were necessary , without a clear definition of where these might be achieved .
6 It may be felt that this analysis has only theoretical value at most .
7 Ferdinand , as he was originally named , was of the house of Saxe-Coburg and Napoleon III may well have felt that this candidacy would be pleasing to England and that it would at a personal level strengthen his ties with the English Royal House .
8 As such it is felt that this method could be used as a model for other departmental syllabi .
9 By involving course organisers in the distribution of destinations questionnaires and in the collection of completed questionnaires for despatch to [ MS for analysis and interpretation , it was felt that this mechanism would assist the flow of information .
10 Once again , however , it was felt that this solution was not entirely acceptable since the words degradation and humiliation were lacking in the certainty desirable for criminal legislation .
11 The spokesman continued : ‘ It is felt that this application is in no way connected with the rural brick works industry and is an entirely separate and commercial venture .
12 Some people have felt that this borrowing from Dorothy and others shows a certain egotism on Wordsworth 's part , but it was his method as an artist to absorb things into himself , and think of them for a long period before writing them down ; nor is it necessary to maintain , in any case , that the ‘ I ’ of a Wordsworth poem is necessarily the poet himself — it may stand as a universal shorthand symbol with which the reader can equally identify .
13 I ca n't feel that this music as presented here is an attractive proposition at full price .
14 For those who are mainly literary specialists it may be sufficient ; readers of a journal like this may well feel that this book does not go far enough .
15 But something about him makes me feel that this time he will do what he has said .
16 You may not escape some head-on collisions with others , and at times you may feel that this area of life is nothing short of a battleground .
17 Fraser 's book is not without its evident presuppositions , and not every reader will feel that this autobiographer , having perused and digested his tape-recordings , talked to his analyst and completed his inner and outer voyages , knew something radically different about his past from what he had known before : that something had been found , or proved .
18 However , there may be occasions when you feel that this objective has not been achieved .
19 Er it 's never been the County Council 's er objective or intention to restrain what are the genuine er employment needs of its local residents , erm and we feel that this level of allocation is suited to the needs of the residents .
20 I feel that this sentence is far too harsh .
21 We feel that this video can make a positive contribution to these aims .
22 I feel that this event was another small step towards a recognition of the very important part the car park plays in our culture .
23 The Council feel that this scheme , with its emphasis on the reformative value of service in association with volunteers , is likely to be a promising form of new non-custodial penalty and that its effectiveness is likely to be all the greater because it involves the positive co-operation of the offender .
24 Fleay and Sanders feel that this committee achieved remarkably little , placing no significant pressure on the National government to drop its policy of non-intervention .
25 I have no idea how many were produced but I would ask you Mr Mayor whether you feel that this expenditure was money well spent ?
26 Unfortunately many editors feel that this kind of creativity is absent from the activities of a number of PROs .
27 Although I feel that one theme in To Kill A Mocking Bird is racial prejudice , I feel that this idea broadens out to the main theme for the whole novel of man 's inhumanity to man .
28 The Port of Belfast now handles more than 55% of Northern Ireland 's seaborne trade and the Harbour Commissioners feel that this success is due in no small part to the investment programme which saw £25 million invested over the last five years in a modernisation programme designed to ensure that the Port of Belfast can offer its customers the most up to date , cost effective cargo handling facilities .
29 I also feel that this country can not go on permitting the unrestricted sale of looted antiquities from abroad .
30 In my more lucid moments , I often feel that this whole reviewing game would benefit by being reduced to the simple ticking of a box marked yes , this song has a catchy tune and a good beat , or alternatively one marked no , it does n't .
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