Example sentences of "might have [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 I said she might 've sent a full packet give one to Barry , one to Rhys and one to Cerys but there was only two
2 I 've always , I might 've had a little moan , but I 've always to myself
3 People might 've messed around with it by putting this overhead profit to risk , they might 've put a negative er element in there , er they might 've put a high-cost element in there , they might put nought in there , so it 's very difficult to recognise that , that bill rates er from the labour , or the labour from the bill rate , there is n't a standard relationship , nowhere near .
4 People might 've messed around with it by putting this overhead profit to risk , they might 've put a negative er element in there , er they might 've put a high-cost element in there , they might put nought in there , so it 's very difficult to recognise that , that bill rates er from the labour , or the labour from the bill rate , there is n't a standard relationship , nowhere near .
5 This at least showed some foresight , since the number of beds in which Stephen might have missed a heartbeat and a vital document were legion .
6 The police suspected that it was an inside job and promptly arrested the dismissed worker , for no reason other than that she might have borne a grudge against her erstwhile employer .
7 Mrs Thatcher 's gamble , which might have caused a huge crisis and the fall of the government , came off triumphantly .
8 It might have cleared a little more by now . "
9 Shifting more of the cost of training to the private sector in this way might have posed a problem , even in a buoyant economy .
10 It was further agreed that a three-year course would be too expensive , especially as entrants might have served a part or the whole of a long apprenticeship beforehand .
11 This law has not served the best interests of air safety even though it might have satisfied a curious public .
12 People indeed talked privately about the waste of government money , the lack of respect for public property , and it is possible that government might have regarded a discussion of that issue alone as constructive criticism : Kufrans were not sure .
13 Had the Lebanese gunmen not been so enthusiastic in their celebrations , they might have noticed a small but symbolic incident which cast a shadow over the Syrians ' arrival .
14 A close observer might have noticed a slight stiffening of Albert 's back , but otherwise he gave no sign of hearing .
15 I guess Damien Hirst did n't go clubbing in the mid-Eighties in NY , otherwise he might have noticed a shark in a tank in artist Eric Goode 's nightclub , Area .
16 But if you looked carefully at the left-hand side , where there was a glass-enclosed porch , you might have noticed a few little birds flying around , the odd flash and flitter of coloured wings .
17 He was offered a Dupont chemical engineering scholarship and might have become a captain of industry somewhere in middle America , balding , bloated and with a houseful of his own children , anonymously having pursued a largely uneventful career in that worthy but slightly boring structure of management in a giant US conglomerate .
18 To the south , across a wasteland which might have become a park , is the House of Science .
19 Gerald Ford , the leader of the Republicans in the House , ‘ might have become a pretty good Grand Rapids insurance agent ; he played a good game of golf , but he was n't excessively bright ’ .
20 A lot of the women whose benefit was cut off were back on our books again a few weeks later — which suggested either that their relationships had not really been like that of husband and wife , or that our intrusion had broken up what might have become a more lasting union .
21 Whereas East Anglia might have become a second power base in the early 1470s , Gloucester 's Welsh lands were never expected to be more than peripheral .
22 By the age of 18 or 20 , he had completed his apprenticeship in life : he might have become a very good photographer , probably an excellent painter , a good mountaineer and hiker , or a fine skier .
23 Had things been different , Julia might have become a vet or a professional horsewoman .
24 A sense of her own importance , which survived despite the sadnesses of her adult life and prompted her to tell her own story at such length , is summed up in her quotation of a relative 's comment on her autobiography , ‘ it was not writ as if a weak woman might have done it , but might have become a divine . ’
25 More important , the Theatre Royal ( 1836–7 ) and the Grey column ( 1837–8 ) in Newcastle , stately neo-classical structures which were key elements in the heroic replanning of the city centre by Richard Grainger [ q.v. ] , were evidently also his conceptions , and suggest that he might have become a more significant figure in his own right had he not died relatively young , surviving his father by a mere six years .
26 Whereas East Anglia might have become a second power base in the early 1470s , Gloucester 's Welsh lands were never expected to be more than peripheral .
27 Also news of such extravagance might have perturbed a suspicious Emperor .
28 She might have to wait a wee while but I think she 'll get on , yes .
29 So he might get his wall built but he might have to wait a year before he starts it .
30 Their relatively smaller personal estates reflect perhaps more than anything else a generally modest standard of living in the shires , for while the greater apparent wealth of some yeomen consisted mainly of farming stock , a big landowner , burdened with a large family and heavily encumbered estates , might find himself compelled to endure a spartan existence ; unlike a yeomen , moreover , he might have to support a train of unproductive servants .
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