Example sentences of "might [adv] [vb infin] a " in BNC.

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1 Third , there may be rules that do not directly sanction that which might arguably constitute a breach of fiduciary obligation , but which might be thought to assume its legitimacy .
2 ‘ Panspermia ’ , as a word , therefore refers to those theories which insist that life came to Earth because ‘ spores ’ were somehow blasted off into space in the hope that they might eventually encounter a life-supporting planet — like Earth .
3 The building of any further houses was resisted on the grounds that the additional families which they would attract might eventually become a charge on the poor rates during periods of economic depression .
4 ‘ Do you think I might eventually get a taste for alcohol ? ’
5 An archmage , by dint of great effort and much expenditure of time , might eventually obtain a small staff made from the timber of the sapient peartree .
6 Whereas a single library might successfully mount a campaign using posters , leaflets etc , few if any will have the resources to use television or even commercial radio .
7 Depending on the terms of the respective partnership agreements of the firms involved , the dissent of any one partner might effectively scupper a proposed merger .
8 For example it might perhaps enable a prophet to speak out fearlessly in god 's name .
9 One view is that the rising indebtedness might suddenly trigger a loss of confidence , with the consequential withdrawal of funds from the USA and massive sale of US dollars ; the exchange rate for the dollar would collapse , and with it would collapse the value of dollar-denominated assets held by non-US residents .
10 If you are heavily laden with treasure you might only manage a couple of swings of the sword before you have to rest , during which time your opponent can batter away at you ! )
11 She had told him once as they lay at peace in bed that the sleep after childbirth , an unconsciousness that might only last a split second , was the most complete sleep she had ever known and when you woke from it you felt you had been elsewhere for a hundred years .
12 So it 's going to be erm you might only get a week 's notice if it 's going to be switched to the Saturday then I would guess .
13 And of course sometimes during this apprenticeship Boy knew that what he really wanted was not to be taught to be one of us , not to be taught how to be a man at all , but to be reassured that he might somehow remain a boy forever .
14 With intelligent programming , the computer should have been able to recognise either that this particular customer needed an overdraft or that he has probably just become redundant and that mortgage repayment might soon present a problem .
15 Also yesterday , the Interfax news agency reported in Moscow that the Commonwealth of Independent States might soon create a single body responsible for co-ordinating oil and gas supplies and investment in the energy sector .
16 Hilary Seymour-Strachey had readily agreed , for , though he had not his brother 's absorbing and exclusive interest in money — still , he always had a use for it , and the thought was beginning to occur to him that he might soon have a woman and child to support , in addition to himself .
17 Once in a while , maybe on the first night of a stint somewhere , and we 've got the time , we might just do a brief check of some songs .
18 If you do , you might just hook a beauty . ’
19 " What you need now is someone in the basement who might just leave a window open for you … "
20 I might just throw a total number .
21 Developments in China , on the other hand , might just make a difference .
22 It might just assign a structure P and Q , three separate constituents between their structure .
23 He admits he might just prefer a boy but does n't really care ‘ as long as everything 's all right . ’
24 Women seem fearful of becoming too friendly with a single mother ; fearful that if they spend too much time with her , they might just get a taste for something that is denied them .
25 I think I might just get a couple of nice hankies to go with them .
26 Finally we observe that unc and so , if we replace the unc sign by + , if we simply drop the unc sign and if we then agree to write unc we establish a notational way of writing polynomials that we might just find a little easier to work with !
27 If you 've been self-employed since five minutes after Lucifer 's fall , and can fork out the massive outlay required , you might just find a way to bribe yourself on to the single-ticket waiting list ; if you belong to a small , minor-league organisation , your company will probably club together with several others to rent a cheap and jerry-built booth in one of the minor outbuildings , and argue with its partners over a tiny allocation of entry passes , whose holders will be consigned to overpriced lodgings in distant and inconvenient suburbs .
28 The English novel needs its senses to be violently deranged , and this piledriver of a book , cousin to Scarfe and Steadman , might just provide a kick-start . ’
29 Down on the ground the first thing to be heard is a distant squeal , and a sharp-sighted man might just discern a black dot like a bird high in the sky .
30 If I get too tired I might just have a lie down and have a little kip .
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