Example sentences of "might [verb] at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It struck Mungo as being like a time-bomb , planted even before memory , which might explode at any moment .
2 She looked as if she might explode at any moment .
3 One might think at first blush that a passing reference to a person that all your readers will have heard of would serve to authenticate your story .
4 While we can not provide the details you might want at this time , I 'd encourage you to give us the benefit of the doubt .
5 Fairyhouse returns next Saturday with an all Flat card which is not , I 'm sure , what punters might want at this famed National Hunt course .
6 Her voice was stretched very tight , as though it might snap at any moment and tumble her into tears .
7 Images scanned and printed on a 300dpi system using 32 levels of grey look surprisingly good ; better than you might expect at any rate .
8 The impossibility of replication in police investigation is not as crippling as might appear at first sight because it is far less important , or even necessary , in the criminal context than in science .
9 This conclusion is not so unsatisfactory as it might appear at first sight .
10 Shortly before the second anniversary of her wedding Mrs Tristan Gage suffered a miscarriage which kept her in bed for several cosseted days surrounded by every possible luxury and attention , including the embarrassed affection of her husband who had rather more idea how mares and hound bitches might feel at such moments than women , and the deep concern of her mother who , throughout her own twenty-six years of marriage had herself miscarried eight times .
11 Historians , of course , might feel at this point that they are in some sense losing control over what material is selected for future use ( Zweig 1992 : 181 ) .
12 He did so when play was about to resume after a stoppage early in the last session of the fourth day , with the score 384 for 7 , and he could hardly have timed it more precisely ; 60 for 3 overnight , and , as next morning it looked as though it might rain at any time , Marshall decided to polish the rest off quickly .
13 Each day we used to do say an hour in the morning , whatever time was available between leaving school and getting back , dinner time , then in the evening you might have two , two and a half hours you left you , you finished school , and er you might finish at eight o'clock if you were lucky you 'd finish at half past seven .
14 Among the guests are many luminaries of Parisian society who might balk at that sort of food .
15 Ursula seemed somewhat calmer once she was home , not least because she was within earshot of the telephone , which she continued to think might ring at any moment , bringing news of Samantha .
16 As we said then , these were indicative in character and not comprehensive as to the levels or to the range of performance which might emerge at any one level or from a particular child .
17 It might work at international level but at club level you need a hardworking manager with a good business head .
18 One of the problems for local government is that it is easier to see how this might work at national level where the interests are clearer and more easily identifiable .
19 In terms of the social system , for example , one might look at first degree courses in terms of social selection and access — one of the functions identified in Figure 1.1 .
20 Italo Argentino Lúder , the then Defence Minister , announced on Aug. 17 that about 100 trials of members of the armed forces were to be cancelled but that the armed forces might look at individual cases with a view to punishment .
21 As and when the market develops , we might look at that .
22 Thus , we might look at lithological changes through the geological column .
23 So could you phone up er your office because I cleared the fact that we can pay with this card cos I thought you might look at this and say well look it 's expired .
24 I suggested that they might look at smaller numbers of buttons , and see if they could spot how the number of ways of pressing them was growing .
25 If Moxon , still young in captaincy terms , were to be given the job there would be a strong argument in favour of a team manager and as Illingworth , perhaps wisely , has rejected one offer to return ( from Leicestershire ) Yorkshire might look at another native son who has , from all accounts , done an excellent job in his first year of managment at Somerset , Jack Birkenshaw .
26 Such was the case with the idea that hydrogen fusion might occur at moderate temperatures within solid materials .
27 US and allied governments stressed that the exact moment was unimportant as it was not a " trigger point " , but that military action might begin at any time they chose thereafter , unless Iraq had complied with the UN resolutions .
28 They stared at him as you might stare at orange rats trying to get into bed with you .
29 We might pause at this juncture to ask just why the British Government should assume an obligation to provide decent housing for the working classes , when in other countries rather different policies were pursued ; also why Britain embarked , consciously or otherwise , on a massive shift in housing tenure over the next 50 years and more .
30 One might suggest at this point that the level and module metaphors are not really opposed , because there could be a module that did the translation between the uppermost level and the one below it , and so on downwards .
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