Example sentences of "seem have [been] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Her running rigging was in an appalling state , the ropes all frayed and tangled , but the standing rigging , which was partly of stainless steel , seemed to have been well looked after .
2 On the edge of the gravel near the front door , Cameron and James Menzies conferred with Allan , Donald Stewart the blacksmith , and John Stewart the pedlar from Newbigging , who seemed to have been everywhere in the past twenty-four hours .
3 My numbers game seemed to have been happily outshadowed by reality , although Franky clearly had his own mysterious method of divination , saying portentously , ‘ The number eleven , remember I told you that . ’
4 The responses to the work seemed to have been very positive and indeed could only be gauged by revisiting the hospital .
5 The three of them seemed to have been inexorably drawn together with each step they had taken .
6 This was not the case with Morgan who seemed to have been more influenced by the Rousseauean tradition and who viewed the institution of private property with some misgivings .
7 Just as Mrs Zamzam had said — and contrary to what the Israelis had told me — the cemetery seemed to have been systematically destroyed .
8 Robson was , in one sense , simply echoing the words of Maitland that ‘ if you take up a modern volume of the reports of the Queen 's Bench division , you will find that about half the cases reported have to do with rules of administrative law ’ and that you must ‘ not neglect their existence in your general description of what English law is ’ otherwise ‘ you will frame a false and antiquated notion of our constitution ’ The fact that Robson felt the need to propound this view so strongly , and that Maitland 's thoughts seemed to have been almost entirely neglected , serve to indicate that conservative normativism had by the 1920s become established as the dominant tradition .
9 As far as Vass was concerned , that episode at breakfast seemed to have been totally forgotten , and , with her little daughter around to distract her , Lisa soon managed to chase it from her mind .
10 And his prayer seemed to have been amply answered when the Planetary Guard came for the Valence gang ; though , as is the way with prayers which are answered , there was cause for woe too — for the Valences were to be stripped of their best young fighters .
11 Without anything said a truce seemed to have been tacitly agreed .
12 Tom Gower from Southport , though , seemed to have been as anxious for reassurance as he was to express solidarity .
13 It is hard to judge the extent of the industry , but later developments , particularly in the sixteenth century , seem to have been firmly based on medieval foundations .
14 However , the more fundamental issue ( in the long run ) of sterling and the associated question of the role of the City of London seem to have been little discussed .
15 For example , it is not widely known that there were turntables at both Bishop 's Castle and Stretford Bridge in the line 's early years , though they seem to have been little used and the railway gained its reputation for unusual working practices right from the start .
16 The years since 1989 seem to have been similarly wasted as a result of an abdication of leadership in the West .
17 We seem to have been steadily moving away , in spirit and in the letter , from the findings of the famous Beveridge report on Broadcasting in 1949 which concluded that ‘ minorities must have the chance , by persuasion to turn themselves into majorities ’ ( para 259 ) and should not be denied access to the media because of their size .
18 Defoe met a female lead washer in about 1720 , but as the century progressed they seem to have been steadily replaced by boys so that they disappear from the employment records by 1800 .
19 Of all workers ' complaints , the justice of those over truck seem to have been most widely acknowledged .
20 The results of this included some abandonment of cultivation in areas such as Dartmoor , where high contour settlements seem to have been effectively deserted by 1350 , and problems in farming on heavy soils which could suffer from waterlogging .
21 And the enquiries made by the Viennese authorities seem to have been pretty perfunctory .
22 ‘ You seem to have been pretty thick with Dickinson , ’ Blunt said .
23 In fact , the treaty of Munster was in Latin and in the negotiations " Latin , French , Spanish and Italian seem to have been indiscriminately used … often in the same conversation " .
24 Bryozoans found as fossils have calcium carbonate ( calcite ) skeletons that have a high chance of being preserved , and the fossil forms seem to have been exclusively marine ( some living bryozoans live in fresh water ) .
25 A PAIR of tramps in the cellar of an abandoned hotel lengthily airing their psychological underwear until evicted by a ( superficially ) heartless boilerman : we seem to have been here before .
26 ‘ I seem to have been here so often before , ’ Briant said heavily and moved wearily back to his chair .
27 I seem to have been here for ages . ’
28 The Chiefs of Staff also seem to have been strikingly narrow in their strategic vision , disregarding the political and diplomatic problems arising from Britain 's role in the Middle East .
29 In fields next to a river , the furrows are noticeably at right angles to the stream , although in some other places , where no obvious drainage benefit was gained , ridge and furrow seem to have been simply a by-product of the normal way of ploughing .
30 Some of the early ivory seals made on Crete seem to have been strongly influenced by Syrian originals , which suggests that the craft may have been introduced from Syria .
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