Example sentences of "seem to have [vb pp] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 Just the odd word here and there , like ‘ horrendous ’ , ‘ brutal ’ , ‘ cold-blooded ’ or ‘ dangerous ’ , had filtered through the screen that seemed to have erected itself around him .
2 The extraordinary atmosphere was keeping me so sky-high that my private feelings for John seemed to have detached themselves and slipped out of reach .
3 It struck her that he seemed to have tacked himself on to the others .
4 The brick side-wall of his neighbour 's house seemed to have moved itself four or five feet further towards the dividing fence , so that it loomed offensively .
5 He was starting to appear distinctly shopworn , Lucy noted ; he seemed to have bought himself a new shirt , but a dip-through in a hotel washbasin did n't exactly make for the best possible finish .
6 Geographical concentration , having been interrupted by the decentralization of the '60s and early '70s , seemed to have reasserted itself .
7 Even Britain seemed to have transformed itself .
8 This led to a great setback for the Company ; by the early 1680s it seemed to have established itself , and paid its first dividends , at about 50 per cent a year , but it was then caught up in England 's wars against France , the bases were captured , and no regular dividends could be paid until after it had got its property back under the terms of the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713 .
9 That knot seemed to have established itself in her throat once more .
10 My head seemed to have emptied itself of words .
11 Rob Harland ( 18 points ) top scored for Norton again in the 58.39 home win over Belmont but they seemed to have left themselves with too much to do having lost four games already .
12 He also expressed irritation about the way Tony seemed to have let himself go in the last few months , since he had become unemployed .
13 Thankfully he seemed to have recovered himself , she noted .
14 She had n't been keeping track of the conversation , but he seemed to have pulled himself together over the past few minutes .
15 She seemed to have pulled herself together , but she did n't answer him .
16 Marguerite was already there and she too seemed to have pulled herself together because she took charge of the conversation at once .
17 Mark , too , after the slightly disquieting observations about Roman Catholic priests , seemed to have removed himself from her .
18 Pumlumon seemed to have got himself quite well into the enchantment now ; he was looking much less worried than he had looked ten minutes earlier .
19 Eliot hailed from St Louis , but the Eliots there seem to have regarded themselves as Bostonian and Unitarian missionaries to that mid-western Philistia .
20 In recent years the band seem to have diverted themselves on to projects like ‘ God In Three Persons ’ and ‘ The King And Eye ’ .
21 Indeed , his affections seem to have redirected themselves , platonically but more or less intact , to fair-browed Reinhard .
22 This figure also illustrates that other interest , in problems which scarcely seem to have presented themselves to sculptors in the rest of Greece : alike in the patterns discoverable in the pull and hang of clothes , and in the relation of clothes to the body beneath .
23 It is not unfair , then , to see the Webbs and the other early Fabians as they seem to have seen themselves : as philosopher-kings concerned to persuade people of sufficient education and standing to see Socialism through Fabian eyes and so to behold its full beauty .
24 But the Hodgsons seem to have over-extended themselves and lost their monopoly on exporting beer to India , which was subsequently picked up by such upstarts as Bass .
25 ‘ I seem to have lost myself a customer . ’
26 You seem to have styled yourself as a knight in shining armour for her , and I admit she makes a rather sweet damsel in distress , but — ’
27 Only then will I be able to help you get out of this mess you seem to have got yourself into . ’
28 RUMOURS have abounded about the fate of The Ritz in Hartlepool , but matters seem to have resolved themselves and The Rye will definitely be playing there on Bank Holiday Monday to launch Northern Electric 's Culture Shock project .
29 Labour Front-Bench Members seem to have committed themselves to a single currency despite the fact that some of their Back-Bench supporters continue strongly to oppose it , although they are having difficulty with the question whether a European central bank would be independent .
30 In practice the bulk of the work done by the Sûreté was not criminal investigation at all but political control … and its agents , not trained as professional detectives with clearly-prescribed answerability before a judicial authority , generally stood in low public esteem ; they were never concerned with safeguarding the personal safety and private property of Vietnamese villagers and seem to have considered themselves primarily as a network of agents to watch over the interests of the French state .
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