Example sentences of "seem [to-vb] every [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He backed away , knowing he was invisible on the darkened landing yet fearful of the pale eyes that seemed to penetrate every shadow with their knowing stare .
2 He looked at her with hard eyes that seemed to see every thought she had ever had .
3 At one and the same time he seemed to accept every word and yet to be stricken with fear .
4 I met a man in the glen who seemed to know every spot , and gave me the Gaelic names of all the corries .
5 With mind-blowing slowness Paige felt the same hand move upwards again to close over her breast with a possessiveness that seemed to encompass every atom of her being .
6 He seemed to answer every question I had ever asked and to have lived a life far above everything I knew was to be aimed at .
7 They put erm tremendous pressure on our line but we seemed to repel every attack and erm held firm .
8 He seemed to grudge every word he spoke .
9 In those early days they were expected to go to chapel every morning ; bells seemed to announce every change in the timetable .
10 The tart smell of burned crops seemed to taint every breath they took , despite the filters both wore .
11 Night had invaded the heavens , closing around the waxworks like a black fist as impenetrable as the umbra that seemed to fill every inch of the museum .
12 She seemed to articulate every consonant as she spoke .
13 Then he seemed to recognize every feature of the place , right down to the boulder which had sheared the wheel off the property wagon , on that horrible night .
14 He answered the door himself , and she was painfully aware that once again his eyes seemed to study every part of her .
15 He asked about your life , and seemed to savour every moment of your conversation .
16 Tenison busied himself with gathering up plans and files , which seemed to litter every surface .
17 Lord Wyatt , the Master , seemed to take every check and every lost line as a personal affront .
18 I mean there have been the usual number of pollution incidents and they seem to increase every year , er and a lot of those to deal with er as you say , I think one of the things which is , which is good is that public consciousness has been raised and people are much more aware of what they drink and what 's in their rivers .
19 Looking back over this chapter I am struck by the dreadful pitfalls which seem to beset every step which the sociologist might contemplate taking in documentary research .
20 We seem to exert every effort to make the least of the most .
21 Perhaps not though , I seem to fancy every man I meet fancies me at the moment .
22 ‘ He plays for a mixed side in his spare time and is well up with the rules which is pretty useful because they seem to change every couple of months . ’
23 ‘ His faculties seem to expand every day , ’ Dorothy wrote in early March ; ‘ he composes with much more facility than he did , as to the mechanism of poetry , and his ideas flow faster than he can express them .
24 I seem to have every form the Inland Revenue has ever published at the moment .
25 Joy seems to fill every part of Paul 's life .
26 Your government did n't have any courage then to back up it 's own man , and force through some changes , and so I do n't know what your policy is , it seems to change every couple of years .
27 Finally , after some ‘ agonizing ’ , he agreed ‘ on the grounds ’ , as he wrote in the introduction to the catalogue , ‘ that I have a passion for Italy , her people , her countryside and the way in which art quite naturally seems to invade every aspect of life , thereby producing an atmosphere that is totally irresistible ’ .
28 So , despite seeming to lose every argument , the CEGB probably came close to achieving its original goal .
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