Example sentences of "seem [adj] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , the meeting also established the desktop as COSE 's first priority , something that seemed clear at COSE 's announcement last month .
2 However , the meeting also established the desktop as COSE 's first priority , something that already seemed clear at COSE 's announcement last month .
3 The gipsy seemed embarrassed at Seb 's presence .
4 Mr Lafontaine favours a slow road to unity , underlines the costs and stresses for West Germany , and seemed ill at ease on his campaign appearances in the East .
5 This time he seemed ill at ease and jumpy and I noticed his face was slick with perspiration when he spun to greet me .
6 The only moment when he seemed ill at ease was when I raised the question of the forced repatriation to Russia at the end of the war of thousands of White Russian and Cossack soldiers from camps in northern Italy and Yugoslavia .
7 ‘ I agree , ’ Hari seemed ill at ease , ‘ I would like to help but I 'm all right here , I 've got people working for me , see I owe it to them to make a success of my own business .
8 The process of revision continued at rehearsals , which began in February 1939 according to Michael Redgrave , who played the central role , Eliot kept his head buried in his text throughout them : he still seemed ill at ease with actors , although responsive to their demands .
9 During the day her mother seemed happy at times , baking , trying out fresh recipes , or changing yet again the curtains , or crocheting new chair-backs .
10 It seemed superhuman at times .
11 By any standards , no performance could be further removed in character from the composer 's own barn-storming account ( Sony ) ; speeds are much more deliberate , the rhythmic tension generated by those insistent ostinati sounds underpowered , and the orchestra seem ill at ease with the score .
12 IT IS LITTLE WONDER THAT some of their opinions seem anachronistic at times .
13 Unblinkingly observed , his portraits seem close at times to the spirit of the German Neue Sachlickeit .
14 Any of three outcomes seems possible at present :
15 Readers might like to experiment with a shunting locomotive — reliable progress seems possible at scale speeds as low as 2mph on clean track .
16 The text seems dully at variance with the fantasy of the illustrations and falls between two stools .
17 Abbado ( DG ) comparably exploits the work 's dynamic extremes , but so often seems ill at ease , or simply indifferent to the idiom .
18 A similar settlement seems likely at Weston-under-Penyard , where the widespread mass of slag and many furnaces has long pointed to the exploitation of iron from the Forest of Dean .
19 We need to recognise that feelings are never good or bad , only that they are difficult to understand and can seem irrational at times .
20 Imminent and uncharacteristic collapse does not seem likely at Ibrox , where tomorrow Rangers will attain a post-war Scottish record if they draw with , or win against , Hearts .
21 She did not seem surprised at Lucien 's news .
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