Example sentences of "seem [adj] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The wind had died away and the throb of Seawitch 's diesel engine seemed loud to Polly as Nathan guided the boat out of the harbour .
2 It seemed strange without Sid next door , and the barrage seemed much worse than yesterday evening .
3 It seemed strange to Maura to look up at someone .
4 The submucosal and myenteric neural plexuses seemed normal in number and morphology with no intraneuronal inclusions or vacuolation present .
5 All nerve fibres and terminals present seemed normal in number and morphology .
6 She clung to her husband 's arm , but seemed grateful for Clare 's company .
7 For a moment , he seemed apprehensive to Dexter .
8 It also seemed undesirable for students to become dependent on benefits while in full-time education .
9 His eyes seemed alive with joy to her , simple joy at her reaction .
10 The very air around her seemed alive with tension and expectancy .
11 That seemed cruel beyond belief , he should have been there instead of Hodge .
12 There was something about the way she was treating them that still seemed odd to Masklin .
13 Her insistence seemed absurd in view of her own failed marriage , but I had always been too nervous to point this out , to ask what she made of the break in connection between the symbolism of the dress and the unassailability of the marriage vow .
14 Jilinski , however , seemed oblivious to Samsonov 's ever more perilous situation , and as late as 26 August — when the hapless Samsonov was just about to be engulfed from all sides — he commanded Rennenkampf to employ two corps for the investment of Königsberg and with the rest of his army to press on to the Vistula .
15 However , the meeting also established the desktop as COSE 's first priority , something that seemed clear at COSE 's announcement last month .
16 However , the meeting also established the desktop as COSE 's first priority , something that already seemed clear at COSE 's announcement last month .
17 Desperate in his anxiety to leave Bristol , almost any available house now seemed acceptable to Coleridge so long as it was near Tom Poole .
18 The gipsy seemed embarrassed at Seb 's presence .
19 Maureen said that her mother seemed free of pain but he warned her it could return at any moment .
20 Surprisingly , no one seemed interested in Sir John 's meeting with the regent .
21 He seemed bereft of sense as he pulled ribboned holly sprays from the walls and fed them to a sulky fire , cheering as they crackled and spurted heatless flame up the chimney .
22 The Second Division side seemed bereft of ideas until White suddenly found an opening .
23 With the threat of bombing it seemed sensible for Mrs Daly to go to stay with a widowed friend in Rainford , and she seemed to have settled there very happily .
24 The flat seemed empty without William .
25 The surgery seemed empty without Dr Neil Cochrane in it .
26 Although Franco 's position seemed unassailable in May 1939 , the state of the Spanish economy constituted a potentially disastrous hole in the dyke .
27 It seemed incongruous to Dexter , inappropriate when he knew they had come to talk about violent death .
28 It seemed incongruous in relation to the events of the last week .
29 If Anwar now perhaps had reason for entertaining minor reservations about Changez ( though Changez seemed delighted by Anwar , and laughed at everything he said even when it was serious ) , this could be nothing compared to Jamila 's antipathy .
30 It seemed typical of Ianthe , the slightly school-mistressy touch of growing the bulb in water so that its white Medusa-like roots were visible .
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