Example sentences of "woman who [vb past] him " in BNC.

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1 There is a biography of Jasper Carrot which I can hardly wait not to read , there is a biography of Cliff Richard written by a woman who hugged him once 20 years ago ( ‘ I would have married him if he 'd asked me ’ ) .
2 And Jesus , in his conversation with the Samaritan woman who asked him where true worship happened , answered that " God is spirit and they who worship him must worship him in spirit and truth , " for " the time will come when neither here nor in Jerusalem will men worship " .
3 He opened the door to find a woman who asked him to speak to McAteer 's wife , Philomena , who was in his garden .
4 ‘ He was the original tall , dark , handsome boy at school , ’ said a woman who knew him at his senior school .
5 He did not look at the woman who passed him in the hallway .
6 He 'll be sorely missed by the woman who took him under her wing …
7 He was unrecognizable at this distance , but the woman who followed him a moment later only had to take a couple of steps for Pascoe to know that this was Gwen Evans again .
8 The truth was , of course , that hard-nosed journalist though she was , Margie was as attracted to Hugo as was almost every other woman who met him and she actually wanted him to like her .
9 Gary should have been a girl , she had thought , for he was half a head smaller than she was with fair curling hair , baby-blue eyes and long thick lashes that were the envy of every woman who met him .
10 ‘ When he talks to you he makes you feel as if you are the only person in the entire world , ’ said one woman who met him on the campaign trail .
11 Clare , knowing the woman who owned him , arranged for me to ride him .
12 He seems to think he has the moral right to usurp him , completely ignoring the woman who nurtured him through his last worst year .
13 And what he found was a woman who understood him a great deal better than his wife ever did . ’
14 He 'd never met a woman who made him feel that way , and , let's face it , he was n't getting any younger .
15 He said he knew it sounded crazy , but ever since he 'd read it he 'd wanted to experience it , but had never met a woman who made him feel that way . ’
16 He remembered her as a woman who liked him to take his time .
17 With hindsight it is tempting to ask if her outrage was directed at the Prince or the woman who held him in such thrall , Camilla Parker-Bowles .
18 This lured another couple to their feet : rather , a very much older man and a young woman who held him away from her , one hand pleating his sleeve .
19 It is not nearly so intriguing for this writer as is the closed book of Vincent 's intimate life in this unlikely household , with a woman who allowed him to clean her up , who tended and fed her like a mother , rocked the cradle of her newborn baby , and shared his food and his room with her .
20 A woman who loved him … a woman who had followed him … long hair and face coloured with white clay .
21 Lilly had not been more beautiful than the other women who sought him , just more clever .
22 When he visited the Russian sculptor Archipenko and his wife , who were living in a villa in Nice , Modi grumbled of the women who bossed him around .
23 He might be kind , gentle even , but his words would be no more than a courteous cloak of indifference ; for had n't she now joined the ranks of women who wanted him ?
24 He rose from the ridiculous chair and made his way carefully down the crowded row , responding politely to those who greeted him by name , noting with carefully repressed surprise that two of the women who gave him private little smiles were seated next to each other , friends who had no idea they had something more than friendship in common .
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