Example sentences of "woman [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A small , brown-haired woman met him at the door , surrounded by a group of noisy , dirty children who eyed Corbett boldly , then ran to hide and giggle behind their mother 's skirts .
2 A WOMAN flung herself at a mugger and bit off his right ear when he snatched her bag in Milan .
3 The miniature woman seated herself on Murphy 's left foot .
4 Because er the woman needs them for someone else .
5 Your lust for her knew no bounds and when this loyal woman spurned you for her husband of twenty years you wreaked a terrible revenge ! ’
6 The woman solved it for me by stopping and following Marcus out of the room .
7 He 'd paid countless prostitutes to satisfy his craving , but never had a woman done it of her own will , until Jacqui .
8 The woman busied herself in the kitchen and produced a plate piled high like a cairn with potatoes , and a huge pot of tea , and then resumed her knitting by the fire opposite her husband .
9 One woman compared it to her experience of being in service in the past : ‘ It 's like being in service .
10 You could think of course do have children , dad , can I , can I , can I , bed you go , just to shut them up so if you have two small children there , the chances are you will lose the woman put them to bed or .
11 She watched as the woman muttered something in Italian and Guido responded with a couple of sharp questions .
12 He was seen twice near the village of Langley Park on Saturday night , and yesterday a woman noticed him on the busy A167 dual carriageway on the outskirts of Durham City about 10 miles from Lanchester .
13 Then Folly reached the top of the steps , and the woman noticed her for the first time .
14 One woman told me of a particular year in which seven close relatives died .
15 Another woman told me about how Sylheti men returned to the village to find a bride : ‘ After years in England they suddenly decide to marry a village girl .
16 On inquiring where the bathroom was , the woman told me in a timid voice that although it was the door facing mine , there would be no hot water available until after supper .
17 Since I am a short , plump , Asian young woman , with glasses and shortish hair , I 've never found an advert with a woman looking anything like me .
18 Herodotus can not bring himself to believe in a story which gives as the cause of centuries of rivalry ‘ nothing worse than woman-stealing on both sides ’ ( 42 ) , for he does not think the Greeks could possibly have gone to war over anything so trivial , and indeed he appears to concur with the Persian view that ‘ no young woman allows herself to be abducted if she does not wish to be ’ ( 42 ) .
19 ‘ Well — it 's no big deal , ’ the other woman assured her with a grin .
20 The worker , at the time , is not able to interrupt the woman to help her with that problem but after she leaves the bureau the adviser feels extremely worried about it .
21 They stood to the side as I entered then the woman showed me to a chair as the man brought two glasses and placed them on the table in front of me , then said very seriously , ‘ This is my wife .
22 A cheerful , freckled young woman showed me to a small seedy room and I began to unpack .
23 ‘ Would n't you be flattered if a beautiful woman threw herself at you ? ’
24 It can take a long time for a woman to rid herself of the automatic assumptions that she has absorbed about home-making , and learn to fashion an approach which suits her and her family .
25 She describes the circumstances in which she chose to focus on these tales : ‘ hearing a black woman describe herself as a daughter of Hagar outside the covenant ; … reading news reports of the dismembered body of a woman found in a trash can ’ .
26 It looked like a drunken woman supporting herself against a building in the street .
27 The dictates of self-preservation often ensured that the respectable young working woman dissociated herself from the known prostitute , since association with prostitutes rendered a woman 's character suspect to the police and could lead to her name being placed on the registration list .
28 Can I just ask one thing , a another thing about the time you were living in , erm did you as a woman know anything about contraception ?
29 " He will share your bed and possess your body , " Maria Candida had said when asked what it meant for a woman to give herself to her husband .
30 When the other woman folded herself into the delicate embrace , she was shocked at how thin her friend had become .
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