Example sentences of "each [noun] so [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Arrange the plants side by side and cut a thin sliver from each stem so that the two wounds exactly match when brought together .
2 A patterned effect on the finished product is achieved by turning each segment so that the grain runs in the opposite direction to its neighbouring segments .
3 All the functions are fully explained in the manual and it is worth taking some time to experiment with each function so that you know which ones to use to obtain the best results .
4 Delay times were rearranged for the consonant groups in the list for each trial so that particular consonant groups were not always associated with the same delay time .
5 The sentences were enlarged as much as possible , but sizeable gaps were left between each sentence so that the temptation to interpret contiguous sentences as meaningfully related was to some extent avoided .
6 Secondly , there is a temptation to attach a diagnostic label to each condition so that it fits neatly on the problem list .
7 A bias is evaluated for each lexicographer so that those that are receiving less than their ‘ fair share ’ are given priority over others .
8 While this was useful and did hold the attention of members interested in the specific subjects being examined , the subcommittees moved from one area of expenditure to another each session so that they developed no expertise and could not follow up previous work .
9 Starting in September 1990 batches of new courses will be introduced in each session so that from September 1992 all entrants will be enrolled on new-style courses .
10 The distances between the two points were measured for each junction so that the driver 's mean speed at a junction could also be estimated .
11 In previous World Cups , two days were allocated to each match so that contests which were not concluded on the first could be decided on the reserve day .
12 The leading frog sat in a clump of moss and swivelled each eye so that it could see both worlds at the same time .
13 My ambition is to have a different look each day so that I ca n't be labelled . ’
14 You simply have to try to organize each day so that the patient has enough , but not too many , useful , interesting and pleasurable activities to occupy him .
15 In the case of the ‘ ordinary ’ person it may just be pleasant to record what has happened each day so that one can at some time in the future spend a nostalgic hour looking back on times past .
16 Filming then moved to Rome , where the Italian Olympic Committee provided use of the Olympic stadium and offices , and helped Michael Winner to close up to six miles of streets each day so that he could shoot the Marathon .
17 The two computers should be able to talk to each other so that all of the keyboards can make the typesetting equipment jump into action .
18 Under these circumstances the parents need to be able to take over from each other so that it is the child who tires and not the parents .
19 Me and all my friends ended up in this cult and the first thing this guy said we had to do was turn all of our friendships against each other so that we could n't trust anybody .
20 Even then , adjacent areas often merge into each other so that the boundaries are blurred .
21 A modular structure is one in which groups of components are functionally isolated from each other so that , if one group is damaged , the rest continue to function normally .
22 If there is no room in which interviews can be conducted , the nurse and patient should be seated near to each other so that they can converse quietly .
23 The parcel presented should be amusing , either an unusual shape , or several boxes inside each other so that the gift takes a while to find .
24 Above all , they have to keep in touch with each other so that they and their students can develop this new profession in a co-ordinated and systematic way .
25 The painting is awkwardly and laxly structured but now the contours of many of the compositional elements have been freely and insistently opened up into each other so that the eye is led quickly not only into depth but also steeply up the picture surface , a premonition of things to come .
26 And last , but not least , centres must ensure that procedures are in place to allow those staff who are teaching the same module to talk to each other so that internal standardisation — essential in a devolved system such as National Certificate — can take place .
27 Silently we pass possessions amongst each other so that we are democratically loaded .
28 It is an important part of the market as at present constituted that market makers be able to deal freely with each other so that each can eliminate undesired surpluses or shortages of stock arising from past or prospective business with clients .
29 Miss and Tony you have to kinda pretend that they do like each other so that erm the mother does n't suspect her of liking Hastings .
30 Although there is no rhyme in the poem , the last words in every second line sound very like each other so that , while the poem can be simple enough to be a man 's thoughts , it also holds together well and sounds good .
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